Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

How AMERICAN is the First “GAY” President?

Nobody’s Opinion

Presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, the man who many think will end up at the top of the heap, mainly due to the smooth talking “I have all the answers” sales job he has delivered more successfully than any other democrat since Obama, said this:

“This country cannot afford four more years of Donald Trump,” he said. “We will not recognize it if he gets reelected.”

What? WHAT? We hardly recognize it now. I’m sorry. I’m going to say something that is going to make a lot of people angry, but really, it’s time we stop being silenced, and talk about the elephant in the room: America may not be ready for a “gay” president.

How is having a ‘gay’ president going to make America recognizable? We have always been a Christian nation. America, up until the 1960’s when the communists really infiltrated our institutions and culture, was built upon the Hallmark family: Dad, mom, kids. The homosexuals in the world, and history reports there were some, didn’t have it as bad as they claim, and while they were here since the beginning, they certainly were not the norm at our founding. Christianity, we must admit, was rough on them.

Still, time passed and they made their own lives, had their own nightclubs, and most of the time, people didn’t bother them.

(Until that Muslim in Florida during Obama decided to shoot them all, and Jeffery Dalmer wanted to cook them.)

While many of us will admit that the recent “Don’t pick on gays.” movement has been good, it has NOT been good that the political class has taken it up as just another tool to control us.

Elect Pete, and you will have the same problem we had with Obama. Obama was a Marxist. Pete…is a socialist, and because Obama was black, everyone was afraid to criticize him, and Obamacare was passed with a big lie.

The same thing will happen with Pete. Criticize anything he promotes and he personally will call you a racist.

He’s running with the “I’m so smart and logical mantra. Trust me.” just, like Obama did.

We will be forced to watch Pete kiss his male bride every other day, and all the children of the world will think it’s wonderful to have gay sex. In fact, kids will come to believe it’s just as normal as regular sex.

They will present themselves as the norm. They ‘love’ each other. But…

Gay sex is not normal. That doesn’t mean these people don’t deserve to be respected, and loved, or even have sex the way they want to… it’s just that little children should not be raised to think that it is.

And yet, that’s what’s happening.

Not only from a religious point, but from a scientific point, gay sex is NOT what nature intended. Not by a long shot. How can anybody refute that fact? And fact it is. As sure as a fact that the sun in the sky heats up the earth.

MOST IMPORTANT: Gay men cannot physically have babies. Evolutionary wise, the human species of male and female in every part of nature, has a definite purpose: to create a new life.  They can adopt, and maybe they are good parents, and we all know many heterosexual parents can mess up a child as well as anyone can. But create? No.

I don’t know about you, but as we all have gays in our families, and most of us love them, gay sex is just not…let’s be nice: sanitary. Sex with the anus is…to many people. Gross. The anus was not made…for sex. Sorry gay guys, you might love it, but to each his own. That doesn’t mean we have to want our kids to grow up to be gay.

Most of us don’t.

How do people become gay? For some— it’s hormonal. Others I do believe they are perhaps abused at a young age, and think that gay sex is “Love.”

We heterosexuals just think it’s…. gross.

The human body was not made ‘scientifically’ for anal sex. Even dogs get embarrassed when you watch them excrete. Even dogs.

That’s why, many religions were always against homosexuals. It’s promotes disease, and no children.

Now, having said that, the left has taken the ‘gay’ revolution to a dangerous level. Why? Is it because they think they can stop the overpopulation by making more people gay? I don’t know.

It uses the ‘tolerance’ and “normalization’ of gay sex to TEACH our young children about sex. They are now having transvestites in our schools.

Children younger than puberty should not even be THINKING about sex. They need to be thinking about love, if you like…but not sex. And especially they should not be entertained at libraries by transvestites with beards and lipstick.

They should be thinking about Teddy Bears and frogs, lizard, puppies, normal stuff.

The first time I learned about ‘gay’ people was at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. I was 18, visiting my boyfriend who played bass for Al Hirt’s band. We were walking down Bourbon street and that’s when I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. She was a Diana Ross lookalike: She had a floor-length, sequin dress down to the floor. Crowds of people parted for her as if she was Jesus himself.

“Wow, that’s the most beautiful woman in the world.” I said to my boyfriend.

“That’s not a woman.” he said to me. I had a hard time believing it.

Later on, I was sitting in a bar in New Orleans, not realizing that every man in that bar was gay. Most of them looked like normal men, and I learned that gay men are as varied as the general population. Some of them loved women. Some of the HATED women. Some of them looked like Arnold. Wow.

It was a lesson to be learned at 18…and even then, I was shocked. Now, the elite want to get the kids exposed to gays at 4 or 5. Completely ignoring the obvious: Kids should NOT be even told about adult sex period.

And yet, gay sex, is being stuffed down our throats. And why? Are there really THAT many gay people in the world? What are they putting in the water?

To me, it’s just another way to “control” you. Nobody would dare criticized Obama because he was black. If we had a ‘gay’ president, then nobody could attack Pete because he was gay.

That’s why in the end, Pete might be their best bet as a nomination. If you dare to disagree with him you will be labeled homophobic. He will get all their agenda’s passed easily. And he has all the right New World Order credentials.

And here’s the kicker…President Obama, used to frequent the gay bath houses of Chicago. Many people thought he was gay. (Joan Rivers for one.) What man goes on a month-long vacation with an island full of men?

Yet, it was Obama who claimed America was a Muslim nation, he was so proud. Madonna SAID he was a Muslim. And yet, Muslims kill homosexuals. And they marry 9-year-old girls.

That’s American? Never heard Obama complain about it did you?

So, when Pete Butt..(sorry I can’t help the irony here) igieg insists that America will no longer be America— I bet to differ. We will no longer be America if Pete is elected, and not just because he’s gay.

If we lose that proclivity to brainwash gay sex into our children, it will be saving America, from the ruin that Pete Butt has in store for us, and not only the harm to the kids.

Do you really think America will fall for another “Oh I voted for gay man! I’m so good! “moment?
America got burned on that feel good moment with“the First Black President.”

It’s my Nobody Opinion that they won’t make that mistake again by voting for the first “gay” one.

November 3, 2019 Posted by | New World Order, Uncategorized | , | 1 Comment