Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Wins…

When ONE man. ONE Judge, can decide the fate of a very successful company…This is communism…this is not American. This is absurd. Tesla wouldn’t exist without Elon Musk, and for one democratic woman, tied to the great corrupt machine of appointed judges now ruling over us all, is a bullet to the heart of what made America great: capitalism. It’s the dictatorial moves of the Biden administration, in bed with China, in order to destroy Elon Musk.

He got in their way when he bought Twitter and turned it into the last bastion of free speech, spoiling their great RESET of global government of controlling everyone, with China destroying what’s left of the great American companies.

Elon should move Tesla to Texas.

By the way, how do all those radical democratic judges get into our system? When you go to vote, the judges are listed by name only, NOT what party they belong to or WHO appointed them.

Good luck going on the internet and trying to find out any of their records.

That’s been going on for decades: They don’t WANT you to know, and they have placed their soldiers of loyal judges for life in order to GET orders from the top of the democratic party. Most all lawyers belong to the democratic party.

Yeah. This is not good. This is how they fight: dirty.

January 31, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Nobody’s Fool

Elon Musk. Teacher, Inventor,

January 30, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Nobody Flashes

All of this, and we are just a tiny grain of sand….And all sorrows and happiness lie in the lights of space…and time…We are…as they say…Stardust.

Recent pictures of close spiral galaxies.

And the Cosmic Web.


The sun and every vassal star,

All space, beyond the soar of angel’s wings,

Wait on HIs word: and yet He stays His car

For every sigh a contrite suppliant brings


January 29, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The Men Who Changed the World: Edison & Musk

Nobody’s Opinion

“Communism exists in the interests of man and his freedom, in order to defend his genuine rights and justice on earth. The whole world needs restructuring I.E, qualitative change and progressive development.”

Who said this famous quote? Was it Hillary Clinton, who professed herself to be a proud progressive? Was it Klaus Schwab, the self-appointed dictator of the New World Order? Or was it Chairman xi Jinping of China?

Nope, Neither. It was Mikhail Gorbachev. Right after Ronald Reagan told him to “Tear Down This Wall.” And then he became a sort of Western hero. Not many people remember that.

That should tell you just how LONG the communists have been planning to take over the world. They lost to Reagan, and decided to take US over from the inside.

It’s in their KGB paper: As we all know; communism is a dead end for the world. Only a few elites come out on to, millions suffer and die. So, why is it that communism is coming to America so fast? Capitalism is being pushed aside, with the blessings of the church. Pope Francis…was raised in the system.

Which brings me to the man who was a great capitalist and changed the world:

Thomas Alva Edison.

Saturday, I talked about my ‘absent’ father. But there was one famous memory that I have of my father that is my favorite: He took just me, not my brother, just me, to go and visit Thomas Edison’s lab in Ft. Meyers, Fl.

That was a turning point in my life. I saw a lamp that had shone for over 40 years. A laboratory FILLED with old bottles, and chemicals, still. A huge garden with rubber trees, and where Edison searched for his many plants to make his light bulbs. The record player filled with teeth marks so he could hear. Henry’s Ford’s house, right next to him. Just one minute walk away. The desk that he slept on when he got tired, in the middle of the noisy plant.

In fact, Henry Ford replicated Edison’s whole lab at Menlo Park, that’s how much he admired him. Nobody Wonders if Edison didn’t help him with many of his manufacturing ideas, at the Ford company. After all, they were neighbors. In fact, they tried to make a car battery and after two years, gave up.

(Elon perfected it for them.)

Edison became my hero. Back in his day, America lauded him as a God. And then, he disappeared from all our schools. Why? If you look down upon the earth, all you see is the earth lit up at night. When you turn on your TV or watch a YouTube video, you can thank Thomas Edison. When you listen to your favorite music…thank the man who came up with the idea that sound could be recorded.

In fact, most of the advancements of our modern world came from ONE man: Thomas Edison. That’s incredible, and the progressives don’t want to honor the fact that ONE individual could be so prolific. Communism is all about the ‘collective’…and in the New World Order system, that is a handful of elites who will tell us all what to do, and keep the individual from ever becoming another Edison.

There is another reason they don’t talk about him anymore: Edison was a republican. He hated communism.

From The Diary and Observations:

“I can see no earthy reason why the sensible and constructive elements in American life should not publish the sensible and constructive facts of American life and hand them out to my men as they leave the gates, as the Reds publish and hand out their arguments now.

I believe that the clean and right-thinking elements should work as hard as their opponents do, hiring able writers who would prepare articles disapproving all the silly but curiously ably prepared twaddle of the agitators.

These men lie, lie daily, lie continually—and lie well.

We ought to district the whole Nation, by groups of States, by States, by parts of States and by sections of the parts of States, and conduct a great campaign of education. “


And that’s only a few quotes from that book—and only a few can be found on Amazon.

Now, we have an NEW and even more prolific Edison in our mist: Elon Musk. Elon is the giant on the world scene.

Yes, Elon was the world’s favorite, until recently, when he spent much of his fortune making SURE the world stayed open for free speech by buying Twitter.

Thomas Edison would be proud. Hell, the average man of the world is proud and thanks Elon for this noble gesture. He didn’t have to do it. But not only is Elon a great entrepreneur, who will far surpass Edison in our lifetime many times over: someday, when people live on Mars and the Moon, he will literally transform the earth we live on.

But…this year will be tough because, the President we have now, is in bed with the communists, and is blocking Elon every chance he gets. As you can see from Edison’s remarks above, it’s the same old communists. They haven’t gone away.

Elon will join the true warriors for the planet and it’s people to survive. Not only will he be known as a inventor and leader of political issues, he will be known as one of, if NOT the smartest man who was ever born.

We live in a time of darkness and hope: This nobody hopes that communism loses out, once again, to the single man. The inventor. The saviors of mankind. Prevail.

Edison’s father reprimanded him in front of the whole town. Elon’s dad wasn’t exactly a great dad either. But both men rose about their childhood pain and instead of darkness, gave us eternal light. Elon’s rockets rise above Edison’s lighted earth. Both men showed that just ONE man, can change the world. And that is something that communists HATE.

Elon, has contributed so many inventions to our world, he makes Edison’s lab look like child’s play. While Edison had only about 20 workers, working in his labs at a time, Elon has THOUSANDS. And he could do MORE except remember, Edison had one lab, Elon is managing…well take a look:

The 30 Greatest Achievements of Elon Musk (

So, let’s not let the communist put Edison’s and Musk’s names in the dustbin of history…For the earth to survive, we MUST defeat communism at all corners of the planet.

Because sometimes God sends the greatest minds to save us all, and Elon is still a young man:

The Best is yet to come!

January 28, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

Medusa At the Prom

Nobody Cares

Last week, I went to get my haircut. I don’t get it cut often, but by luck I found a place that actually knows how to care for long hair.

My hairdresser has two daughters, and she was telling me about her youngest one. She’s 17. Mom doesn’t quite know what to do with her. You see mom, married her high school sweetheart. Which means, mom never had to deal with much heartache when it came to men.

She said her daughter was horribly depressed because she keeps finding boyfriends, who break up with her and she cries like the world is ending. Mom is at a loss to know what to do. I told her, I was the same way when I was her age…longing for my true love. And deeply hurt every time some guy left. She showed me her picture: Very pretty girl.

I thought of MY poor mother and what she had to go through with me.

I’m setting this up for a memory. You see, I’m getting to the age now, when I’m looking back on my life and all it’s sorrows and happiness, my failures, my successes, and thinking to myself: I don’t think anyone has had the life you’ve had. Not many. So many tears…and what for?

Like my senior prom night. My parents I knew really wanted me to experience that passage of age, an age where mom and dad can buy the dress, tell their daughter how beautiful she looks, take the pictures…and watch her go out, hoping she has a wonderful time, dancing in the arms of someone she likes. Being with her friends.

Uh…mine didn’t exactly go that way. First, nobody asked me. Story of my life. I guess, men were scared of me for some unknown reason to myself at the time. It was 1970. The country was booming. My mother took me out and bought me a beautiful dress, because you see, I didn’t want to disappoint her. I told her, someone had asked me out.

It was a lie.

The night was approaching and what was I do to? I didn’t want to disappoint my parents.

There was only one guy in the high school that I had a sort of crush on. Why? He looked like Bob Dylan, only Bob Dylan was better looking. He never paid too much attention to me. I ALWAYS had a weak spot for the ‘intelligent’ guy, because I was a book worm and I THOUGHT the smart guys had answers I could not find in books.

That’s what an idiot I was. But I was always searching for answers…to everything. Just simple curiosity.

That has never gone away. When I can’t read, I go a bit nuts.

Finally, a day from the prom, I got the nerve up to ask this guy. (I can’t even remember his name) if he would take me to the prom. I told him my situation. Much to my surprise, he agreed.

He came to the door, old suit and tie, and didn’t even come in. My parents missed their “photo’ opportunity. We got in his car and I thanked him. He suggested, instead of going to the prom we go over to his house. What was I going to say? I wasn’t scared of him. He was all of 120 pounds.

When we got to his house, there were about 20 guys there. They all started drinking beer, talking and laughing, and there I was, just sitting there on his couch. All dressed up. They all had dirty old jeans on. They ALL ignored me. Finally, he came over and gave me a pill.

“Want to drop some acid?” He asked. Well, I had never tried that before. It was popular at the time. So, I said, “Okay.” Beats sitting here. After a while, I watched the guys making talk over some motorcycle, I was soooo bored, so I went downstairs into the basement of the house.

And then, the acid hit me. The room became one big nightmare. Floor disappearing, furniture looking huge, like Alice in Wonderland. I started to panic. I was scared. And the worst part of it was, I went into the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and I was…Medusa.

My long hair had become a vast bundle of slithering, snakes, weaving and thrashing about my head.

Good god. I was a monster.

I started screaming. Loudly. I fell on the basement floor. Kicking. Screaming.

I remember a bunch of guys ran down the stairs. I remember looking up at about ten young boys, trying to hold me down. Trying to calm me. Talking to me with great care.

On the good side, at least they didn’t do anything but try to help me.

I finally fell asleep. The boy woke me up.

Took me home. We didn’t say much on the way back.

When I walked in the door, my parents asked, “Well, did you have good time?”

‘Oh, yes! Yes! It was really great mom!”

And then I went to bed.

Now the emptiness you feel from such a nightmare, and at my age, I see, that I’m still that young woman. Like my hairdresser’s daughter. So sad inside.

WHY? Why would any young woman feel so needy that she would long so much for love?

Too much estrogen? Bad brain cells? Or…as I look back. No father?

My father was absent from my life. I think it was because I was “pretty” that he never told me I was. Never hugged me. Never told me to look for the true love. Never told me about boys or men at all.

So, Dad’s out there. If you have a daughter, and she’s pretty. Don’t be afraid to talk to her. Pretty girls are just as hungry for love as the ugly ones. In fact, it’s all about the love of a dad.

It wasn’t my dad’s fault. I don’t blame him. I was just SO full of hormones and silly ideas of love. I had read too many books.

What ever happened to …I’m pretty sure now that I think of it, his name was Harry.

Poor Harry. I’m sure he didn’t quite know what to do with me either.

He was nice enough to go along with the scam. And to his credit, he could have hurt me.

He didn’t.

We went back to ignoring each other.

So, what do I do with myself now? That same longing is still inside me. But hey.

NOBODY PERFECT. Life is not perfect. Everyone has a cross to bear. Some have more than one.

I am…and remain…a total mess. LOL. And I can live with that.

Because…you never know. Maybe some day I’ll go to the prom.

(She laughs.)

But hey let’s end on a good note to this strange life…there are ups and downs….

I got to see my son have the BEST prom moment ever, take a really pretty girl out, and I got the picture to treasure forever…there is a God after all.

Isn’t he handsome? Wasn’t she pretty? ah…youth.

January 27, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

Nobody Remembers Yoko and John

Quite a while back, I used to play piano and sing in various hotels. And one night, I remember vividly because I played this song for Yoko Ono.

It was around supper time, and the lounge was just off the main lobby. The bar that is. I was at the grand piano in the middle of a sunken floor, performing. John Lennon had died about six months before and Yoko was staying at the hotel to sell some of his artwork the next day at a local gallery. It was a Doubletree..pretty nice hotel.

Now, here’s the strange part. The bartendar yelled out at me and said “HEY..Yoko Ono is in the lobby!”

So I pulled out this song, and sang it, because I knew she could hear it. It so happens she was being interviewed on the radio in the lobby while I was playing this song. Good timing.

In about 20 minutes she walked way down all the way into the middle of the room, to me, and smiled and gave me a hundred dollar tip. She said, “That was so lovely…I really sang it so lovely.”

She had four great big body guards that came down with her, and she is pretty short. And looks JUST like her pictures. Of course, I was sort of stunned, but gracious.

But here’s what is REALLY strange, and I’ve thought about it often. I had the music to that song, and carried it around for a good 20 years, and never played it. Never. It wasn’t exactly a hit song. I just liked it.

It felt, as almost, John was sending a message to his lover through me. Is that crazy? I felt like it was when I was doing it. Like I was being channeled.

I was a big Beatle fan growing up, and I had met Paul McCartney in New York many years before when he was recording RAM.

Anyway, of course I was absolutely unbearable to the employees of the hotel that night: Going around saying “YOKO ONO GAVE ME A $100 tip!” Ha ha.

I had too much fun with it.

Clearly these two really loved each other.

And yes, if there is such a thing as a soul living after death…Then John used me to sing to her.

Later on, I read that his son Julian Lennon said his dad gave HIM a sign…a white feather.

His father said he would send him a white feather.

Lots of people have this kind of stuff happen to them, loved ones communicating with them after death, and it really is one of the great mysteries of the universe.

This video is bad, but shows the love they had for each.

May we all, in our lifetimes, have the deep love that these two had.

We could only hope.

January 26, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

The Speech That Broke the Internet

Nobody’s Fool: I you haven’t heard this whole speech during the past week, this is the time you should do it…and the fact that this man stood up in front of the World Economic Forum is sheer courage.

I’m surprised they LET him. That’s how much they are convinced he is a nobody.

But he isn’t. He is just the start. Javier Milei delivers one hell of a speech. He’s no fool.


January 26, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Why Are the Jews Hated Throughout History?

Nobody Knows

The war by Hamas against the Jews is now bringing back memories of the Holocaust. We see this discussion on all our media sites, and the consensus is: the Jews must not try to destroy Gaza.

It’s like a father being told to ‘turn the other cheek’ because he wants to kill the man that raped and killed his 16-year-old daughter. Easier said than done.

The media sides against the Jews. History keeps repeating itself…and why?

Why have the Jews been hated so much throughout all human history?

Is it simple jealousy?  I was brought up a Methodist as a child. We were taught the Old Testament, the Ten commandments, but it was never taught that Moses was a Jew. Or was the father of the Jews. Or even that Jesus was a Jew before he rose to fame. No Moses was a prophet.

The word JEW was never mentioned in my Bible classes.

In Christian theology, they sort of want you to forget the “Jews.” After all, didn’t Jesus go into the temple and attack the “money lenders?” Weren’t they Jews? Remember, Mel Gibson got crucified in the press for insinuating the historical fact that it was the Jews who turned in Jesus.

Blame the Jews…Because they have always risen to the top of the pyramid of mankind, precisely because they were so smart and stayed within their tribe, procreated within their tribe, and helped each other rise to the top.

Did simple genetics do this? Or was it their culture?

And if they were SO smart, how did they let themselves be exterminated by Hitler? Not a question anybody has asked. I have always wondered if the Jews had the biggest brains, highest intelligence, why did they just WALK into the gas chambers? Surely, they knew. (That’s another blog)

The Muslim tribes called out: “Not fair!” Muhammad was certainly jealous, studied this “Jesus” who came before him, and decided to copy his life, but include in it: “Kill the infidels.” Which was anyone who wasn’t in his tribe of “Kill” was condemned. Muhammed declared that it was HIS religion and ONLY his that was the true religion.

Bow to him five times a day, on your knees.

Jesus, didn’t do that. All his lessons were very kind, and non-violent based on the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament. After all it wasn’t Moses who put the curses on the Pharoh, it was GOD. But the God of the Old Testament was certainly a rather war-like tough cookie. And the first commandments were all about honoring the Jewish God, and having no other God before them.

The JEWS were God’s chosen people. If you weren’t Jewish, you. Well, who knows? How does that make any difference than the Muslim God being the only chosen ones? Jews are the only chosen ones. Muslims are the only chosen ones.

It’s like two brothers fighting for mom’s affection.

There is something so against human nature when ONE God claims to be the ONLY God. Both the Jews AND the Muslims make that claim.

And then along came Jesus. And then the Catholic church, who got in bed with the governments.  And then Martin Luther who made the individual his own source of power to God.

It’s been interesting to say the least.

Which brings us back to “Why hate the Jews?”

In the book, “The Bell Curve” the Jews came out on top in the I.Q test: next the Chinese, next the ‘whites’ and next the blacks. The Jews have given more to the world in Nobel Peace Prizes and inventions, medical advancements, just about everything and yes, their intelligence DOES give them the advantage.

But are Jews superior because of their genetics or because of their culture?

As humans, we tend to ignore DNA, genetics, and nature itself. Is not a hummingbird different than an Ostrich? And yet, they are both birds. Are the different tribes really different genetically?

Thomas Sowell pointed out that the black African male has a genetic advantage at basketball due to his ancestors from Africa who had to run everywhere. Did the Jew grow smarter brain wise in order to survive the years of persecution?

Nobody Knows.

Spielberg is Jewish right? He made the movie Schindler’s List. But then again, he backed Obama.

That, to the secular Christians is hypocrisy at the highest, unless of course you need Obama’s money to continue to enrich the world, so the Jewish business man has to decide: Do I make this movie, or bite the hand that feeds me?

Most of the time, Spielberg’s messages in his movies were secular, and honoring the common man.

Elon Musk was ostracized for retweeting a tweet that said that a lot of the top Jews at the top were silent on their own being persecuted.

He was right. Told by the elites that he was antisemitic. He went to Israel to correct that lie.

Or does education trump I.Q. every time? Can you be superior in your brain power and remain stupid and easily brainwashed when it comes to your education?

I think, as history has shown, the answer to that is: YES.

And we get back to the question: Why are Jews hated?

Well, there’s a big clue right there: Jews always seem to come out on top in the Power and money game.

Why is that?

It is a fact that it is true, that Jews are among the richest elites that control most everything: Banks, Hollywood, D.C, — Mel Gibson wasn’t kidding.

From the Bell Curve:

This part of the book discusses ethnic differences in cognitive ability and social behavior. Herrnstein and Murray report that Asian Americans have a higher mean IQ than white Americans, who in turn outscore black Americans. The book argues that the black-white gap is not due to test bias, noting that IQ tests do not tend to underpredict the school or job performance of black individuals and that the gap is larger on apparently culturally neutral test items than on more culturally loaded items. The authors also note that adjusting for socioeconomic status does not eliminate the black-white IQ gap. However, they argue that the gap is narrowing.[5] Herrnstein and Murray argued the average genetic IQ of the United States is declining, owing to the tendency of the more intelligent having fewer children than the less intelligent, the generation length to be shorter for the less intelligent, and the large-scale immigration to the United States of those with low intelligence. The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that 20 of the signers were recipients of funding from the white-supremacist organization the Pioneer Fund, including Gottfredson herself.[19]

In the end, humanity has to figure out, how to make all the TRIBES get along. Despite their genetic and cultural differenced.

Not an easy task. So…once again…

Why are the Jews hated?

Simple. They succeed.

January 25, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 1 Comment

The Delusions of Klaus Schwab

Nobody Wins

Nobody Wins when this Inflated, bombastic Machiavellian leader of the NWO, tells everyone in his macabre voice of doom, that Hey! It’s going to be great! We will lead the world so well that nobody will have to vote! We’ll know who won before it happens!

Or in the famous words of the young Russain twins boys in the movie 2012, to Jackson the author…

We will live and YOU will die!”

This man fears no one. And not many famous and connceted people are even outraged by this comment.

Since the last Presidential rigged election, Nobody Wonders if the reason these people are so confident that they can sell this “Oh..just let control…you don’t need to vote.” is precisely because they stole not only the last Presidential election but the 2020.


ELECTION THEFT – How They Stole It After The Fact – Miami Independent

Prior experience with “Absentee” Voting has previously established that the easiest way to cheat in elections is through the manipulation of the vote by mail (VBM) system. It should be noted that most states did not use VBM prior to 2018. In all the states reviewed (AZ, NV, GA, PA, WI, MI) their registration totals for 2020 all had substantial spikes in their voter registrations from 400,000 to over 700,000 new registrations. While it is difficult to get hundreds of thousands of people to the polls to vote in person, it is deviously simple to take a thumb drive of voters and plug them into the vote count. Very easy to do and not hard to track, as you will see. They can create a phony vote count; but they cannot show voter documents or the evidence of an actual vote. No transparency possible here folks !!


Today, the first votes in New Hampshire all went to Nikki Haley. And no surprise because Democrats can vote in the Republican primary. That should not be allowed. And you heard that on every news broadcast in the nation. NIKKI WON! Never mind that maybe only 6 people voted. President Trump ended up crushing her there, but she is staying in because she now has the Democrats backing her too. According to Tucker Carlson, she IS a democrat.

Let’s remember what Thomas Jefferson once said:

Quotation: “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

By this quote, we can surmise that Klaus does NOT fear the people.

And since all the elected leaders of the world are quiet on this outrageous statement, I think it’s time that the people of the world, put a little fear in Klaus.

How? By putting fear in all those CEOs and Leaders of the world that support him.

Clearly, they plan to starve us all before we can fight back.

Let’s not let them.

January 23, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

Musk Goes to Asuchwitz

Nobody Knows: It was sad to watch. But a good thing to be brought up: We must not forget the thousands of years that Jews have been persecuted. They have gotten more Nobel prizes than any other group of people, and the Muslims surround that little tiny piece of land called Israell by the billions.

What have the modern Muslims brought to the world? You tell me.

So whose in the wrong here? The Muslims have wanted the Jews gone. For centuries. Dead basically.

And yet, Has Obama brought the Jews here? No, boatloads of Muslims, who are now protesting in our streets.

War is here, war is coming, and it seems only the brave will stand and fight.

And we better.

Musk also went to Poland. I had a Polish grandparents on my father’s side. Poland is a great country.

So today, I’m replaying the song below for Mrs.O. And myself. I am very sad today.

When I’m sad, I play sad songs, to get over it. And then, I get mad.

Watch out when I get mad. I usually get things done, and I’ve been ignoring myself and THOSE things for much too long.

Moses was our first real leader. God bless Musk again for taking the right stand.

It’s cold in the world right now. Winter is upon us all.

January 22, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | 3 Comments

Elon Musk Gathers the Troops

Nobody’s Opinion

Back in the Revolution, the Americans knew that if they were going to beat the Bristish, they needed to band together. What many people don’t know is that the representatives from all the 13 states formed many committees. War committees. Food committees. Weapon…etc, there were over 60-90 committees.

John Adams started out working on these committees about 4 in the morning, and didn’t quit until 10 at night. Defense of America was so important that they didn’t leave it up chance. No, they discussed everything. Did the British? Uh…nope.

Right now the world is being held hostage by the rich eltes that have been meeting for years at Bilderberg meetings, Davos meetings, and many vacation meetings inbetween. Bill Gates was at most all of them. This plan to take over the world has been going on for quite some time.

So, it seems smart that the time to fight this communistic and tryannical takeover of all life on earth. It MUST be stopped. And the only to do that is by RICH men that side with the people.

Elon Musk paid a dear price for Twitter…to save free speech, and now he is presenting many of these townhall talks on his X platform. You can listen to them while paying your bills like I do, but I garantee you, like me, you will stop, and learn, and hope. Yes, Hope. There are many great men that have great ideas to share and Elon is giving them the platform.

The LEAST we can do is listen.

Elon is superb in this, and shows his vast knowledge of freedom, and what it means to be Independant. Elon alone would make a great President. But, the system is so corrupt and so rigged, it’s hard for an Independant to even get a voice.

John Adams said, on the last July 4th, where he died, he said this:
‘Independence Forever! Nothing more, nothing less.”

And there are more Independents in America than either Party representatives. But they don’t want you to know that. They ONLY give you the two-party choice. It benefits Who? THEM.

America must retain it’s Independance, and for that I hope committees will be formed, and plans made not only to ‘get’ men elected, but to CHANGE the system that we now live under, and bring it back to it’s orginal format: WE THE PEOPLE.

I know it seems long, but watch it. You WILL learn.

After all, all of us are getting tire of expecting what keeps failing to arrive.

And thats…FREEDOM by the people and for the people.

Thank you Elon Musk for putting up this platform…now…go and LISTEN.

January 21, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

Somebody Tell Them to STOP!

Nobody Flashes

You know what drives me absolutely out of my mind? Women politicans WAVING their hands around because they were TAUGHT by some idiot that WAVING their hands around will make the audience believe them. It’s SOOOOO annoying. I want to reach into the screen and GRAB those hands and say, “What idiot taught you to do this!” Kamala Harris is not only brain dead when she talks, I think she is concentrating more on her hands than what she is saying…like she is thinking “Okay, I’ll wave both my hands THIS way…”

I want to scream.

Did you EVER see men do this? Trump, once in a while does a comedy routine as a joke, where he waves his hands around, but never, ever to make a point. He does very little and what he does is effective. Same with Elon Musk. Very effective. Very natural. Therefore you pay attention to the face, not his hands. And you pay ATTENTION to what the men are saying. Is it any wonder you don’t pay attention to these liberal ladies who think by waving their hands around they are doing a good job at communicating?

You know who esle does this? Nancy Pelosi. She ALSO drives me nuts. I couldn’t watch all of the video below (5 minutes was WAY too much) but Nancy has got the hand signals down pat. She never stops waving them, in fact, you tend to watch her hands and not pay attention to all the BS coming out of her mouth. So, maybe the liberal ladies use it to distract you from their BS.

I still remember her tearing up Trump’s speech back in 2017. This lady is ruthless and power hungry and has been taught by the best. I hated her for that moment. I really did. I was shocked. She should have been kicked out of Congress for that. But hey, free speech. Good to know Nancy was a bully.

Nobody Knows, but there are video’s on line that will teach you how to do this. Next time you see a conservative women: Watch. When THEY talk, they almost never, EVER wave their hands, and so, they not only sound smarter, they look smarter. You pay attention to what they are saying.

You know what? After thinking about it, I hope they keep it up. It’s no wonder thousands of people are standing out in the freezing cold tonight to hear President Trump speak.

NOBODY would do that for Nancy. or Kamala. Hand wavers extraordinary pluto’s. Nobody would do that for Joe Biden. He can barely stand let alone wave his hands around.

So, people–this Nobody Wonders: Does the hand waving bother anybody else besides me?

January 20, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

The Montessori Method with Elon and Tom

Nobody Knows

I went to the college I used to go to today. It’s been over 40 years since I was there. It was a very cold day, and I looked like some kind of Russian with my big black hat and long fur coat. And to say it was surreal is an understatement.

 It was strange. I went there to get an opinion on an old $10,000-year-old carving done in a rock that my great grandfather found on his farm on the banks of the Mississippi. I’d put a picture up, but right now, my photos don’t work.

The campus had grown from what I remembered. It was HUGE. At least 20 more buildings had been added but, nobody was around. I only saw a few students and the ones I did see, ALL looked depressed.

As if they were sure they had no future no matter what. Most of them were sitting in the hallways on their cellphones.

I went into one library and it was magnificent. But–The staff was taking an hour’s lunch. They looked the typical liberal types, no makeup on the woman, and the men looked like mama’s boys never threw a football. There was about ten of them sitting at the table, taking their time because NOBODY was in that library. Why they needed all those people, making big bucks I have no idea. And I went into my entertainment mode and demanded they pay attention to me. (LOL) I was sent from building to building looking for the head of the history department. I keep thinking, “Boy, these people have it MADE.” Never have to work a day in their lives. They sit, they talk…they eat. And go home.

I finally found the Head of the History Department. She said she had never seen anything like the object that I had brought. But she said, there were very few people in the area that knew much about the natives here in Missouri. At least not the ones over 10,000-year-old relics. She took some pictures and said she’d get back to me.

And still, I thought, everything was just too damn depressing. All those buildings. And the students looking so lost, so depressed, so forlorn.

As we walked out, she said she had a class to teach. She taught Early American history and WOMEN’s studies. I certainly wasn’t about to get into a conversation about that. I would tell her what I really thought of Gloria Steinem. I’m sure I knew more than she did about both. I thanked her for her time, and watched her walk away, wondering whatever happened to the JOY of education? What happened? When I first walked this campus years ago, I was so THANKFUL, I was so full of excitement, hope, dreams of learning everything I could get my hands on…talking to different views.

But I do remember, even back then, the blacks always stood away from the whites. For no reason whatsoever. THEY didn’t like white kids. We were not to be talked to. That at least is changing. My black postman and I are pretty good buds. I can tell he likes me too. So, that’s a good sign. The blacks are starting to finally talk to the white people in their neighborhoods.

Nevertheless, the dream I had about college left pretty quick. I found the teachers, even back then, to be bigots and idiots. I only had one that I admired. My history professor. He said Queen Elizabeth was a whore. LOL. I was the only one in his class that read ALL his suggested readings, over 20 books. In fact, his assistant said I had read more books than most professors. And speaking of that, the libraries were the best. Just walking through them was pure torture. I wanted to spend the day, gorging on Titles and things never known.

Of course, now, the world has changed, and the internet is your teacher. Except the internet controls what you read, and all those books? That knowledge someday will be lost forever.


As I was leaving, I tried to imagine the sheer waste of money on this universities. They are like old Roman relics. They might as well put the illegals in them, that’s how useless all those classrooms were.

And the teachers are WAY over paid. And protected. Never fired. Tenure.

Will that lady contact me? Maybe. But to tell you the truth, I don’t want to go back there, unless I can sneak into the library and just have fun.

By the way, Elon Musk has put $100 million dollars into a new school in Texas. The children learn at their own pace, and choose what their proclivities lead them too, and when they leave the schools, they will be the ones leading the way in just about everything because learning is for life. He is planting the seeds.

And creations are in the imaginations, which all these idiot teachers stomp out.

Edison said long ago, that our schools were worthless. He said this, “I like the Montessori method. It teaches through play. It makes learning a pleasure. It follows the natural instincts of the human being”

He also said, “I firmly believe that the moving picture is destined to bear an important part in the education of the future. Suppose instead that we show to the child the stages of that process of nature…the cocoon itself, the picture of the cocoon unfolding, the butterfly actually emerging.”

Was he right or was he right? Genuis. And Elon Musk is a genius for taking up where Edison left off…making the children use their brains.

“Edison said, “The more he works his arm the bigger the muscles: the more the faculties are exercised in a normal way the greater the brain. The folds of the brain grow deeper through observation, they grow fallow from disuse.”

And now, Elon Musk is using that big brain and doing something about our horrible educational system.

Thank God somebody is. And by the way, it’s online for kids, and it’s free.

January 17, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Nobody Flashes: Woman and Child

Nobody’s Perfect

Today was my son’s birthday. 44. It was the first time in my life that I couldn’t even write him a letter. He lost his home. No longer lives there. Before I could send him my love…but I don’t want to dwell on that emtipness, I want to celebrate the miracle of his birth, and just how it feels to hold life in your stomach. How you can KNOW the child you’re carrying before he or she is even born.

I remember the moment I was TOLD I was pregnant. I was sitting by a pool in the Hills of Las Angeles. I was reading a book, and a thought came to me, “You are going to have a boy and he will grow up to be a Senator from Wisconsin.” No, not by a doctor, but some other voice inside my head.

I thought…WTF? Talk about a shock. He’s going to grow up to become a politician? Oh, for God’s sake…no! Who said this? Hey! Yeah, I remember thinking that as I dropped my fashion magazine onto the concrete. Good lord I thought. I’m pregnant?

Wisconsin? Seriously?

This was impossible because I was not only on the pill, but had a diaphragm. And my boyfriend at the time was driving me out to L.A. And then he flew home.

Impossible. I could only have been a week pregnant. Nature is amazing. You just…know. Even before the pregnancy test. Even at one week. I did.

Sure enough, it turned out to be true. It’s an amazing feeling being pregnant. You realize that there is a life inside of you, and you’d better take of it. I CRAVED fig newtons. I ate them every single day. The first time you feel a kick, a foot, a hiccup, it’s almost surreal. You want everyone to touch your stomach and feel it to. It brings you joy you can’t even imagine. And you KNOW that boy inside of you…somehow, you already know him.

How is that even possible? With me, at about 12 weeks, I grew a tiny light mustache. I’m blond. That was the biggest clue. People would say, “How do you know it’s a boy?” And I’d point to my upper lip. Thank goodness it went away.

I was three months pregnant when I married my first husband. We fought a lot. One night, I remember the fight was so bad, I ended up sleeping in my van, in the middle of winter. and holding my son, (about 5 months) crying and begging God to make it a son, because I wouldn’t want a daughter to go through such torment.  I still look back upon that night and wonder if I damaged the poor little soul somehow with all my emotional pain.

Lee Salk, whom I used to date, once told me he thought that babies inside the womb feel everything the mother feels. If she’s sad, he feels it. If he’s loved, he knows it. Lee thought people should play classical music to the womb, and always talk to it. And I did.

Anyway, I had a condition known as placenta previa. Placenta previa is a pregnancy complication in which the placenta (the organ that grows in the uterus to provide oxygen and nutrients to the fetus) attaches low within the uterus, covering all or part of the cervix. 

In other words, both mother and baby can die. They bleed to death. So…my ‘husband’ did not want this baby, he had already asked for an abortion, and I said no. He was told the danger I was in, and to not to fight with me, SO…of course, he started big fight, and I ended up rushed to the hospital at six months.

It was late…3 in the morning. My doctor’s name was Anastasia. And the nurses said he had been up all day, and night. But he would be there.

I was awake, and when he pulled my son out, I said really loud, with a smile “Anastasia!!! You did it”

Then they brought my son to me, and I looked at him and smiled. (MY hands were tied down so I couldn’t speak to him and I said “Hi Brett” as if I had known him all my life. In a way, I saw at the moment of his birth, our lives together.

I won’t go into the rest of the night, it was bad, but by the grace of God, and a lot of prayers, and his little but powerful will to live, we pulled through it. I don’t want to dwell on that hardship today.

I want to celebrate my son…whereever he is.

Bringing a life into the world is the most wonderful thing any woman can do.

It’s a feeling no man will ever know.

Sorry Wokesters.

Only mother nature can make a child.

January 16, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment