Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Tucker Does it Again!

Nobody Reports

Tucker Carlson, just scored the most historical interview done by any journalist probably in the history of our nation. And for that he was added to the Ukrainian kill list, Hillary Clinton said he was a “useful Idiot” and the White House spokesman John Kirby said that nobody will take Putin seriously, or Tucker.

The Democrats want to charge Tucker with the Espionage Act and the EU wants to sanction Tucker over the interview.

Gee, Tucker did a great service to the world, so what’s the problem here?


I watched the whole thing, and Tucker did a fantastic job. He let Putin tell the history of the area, and how NATO went back on its treaty. And all the steps taken to push Russia into the conflict, in fact…anyone listening to Putin talk cannot help but notice: One glaring thing.

Putin is a well-educated man, and loves his country.

Compare him to America’s President, who  is a demented, bumbling, mean and nasty criminal who can’t even walk off a stage.

And Putin knows, as well as the American political establishment, that America’s days are numbered.

Unless more good men come and join the ranks of men like Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson.

The reason Trump and Putin got along is because they did not want the globalists plan. But our leaders are into destroying their own country, to make it happen.

They’ve pushed Putin into China’s hand.

And one thing I did notice was that Putin said a lot of nice things about the Bushes, which to me means, as I’ve always suspected, the Bush family is behind a lot of the global power movers. Putin knows this.

Putin’s ability as a politician was in full bloom tonight. The comparation between him and most of our knuckle heads of rabid dogs in our government, who are destroying what’s left of America, is so embarrassing it’s almost makes you want to cry.

He sounded very educated. And there were only moments of ‘the dictator’ which came through.

Mostly at the end.

But in the end, the award for this wonderful interview goes to Elon Musk.

If Elon had NOT let Tucker have place on X, after he was fired, we would not have witnessed this tonight.

Once again. Elon Musk is the bravest of them all.

Another great victory in the war for freedom for the common man happened tonight, and God bless Tucker and Elon.

I’m falling in love with them both.  

February 8, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment