Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Rewriting the History of America from White to Black: Elon and Jordan weigh in.

Nobody Knows

Clearly, since Obama became President, the attack on White people went into full mode. Does Obama really hate white people? Well, he lives among the richest of them, so probably not. But what Obama did best was to make white people the enemy. Michelle did the same.

They played the race card at every chance.

The whites, just put up with it. They just wanted to keep their jobs and enjoy their lives. After all, they didn’t think it would go anywhere.

But it did. Covid wasn’t the only thing that put thousands of people out of a job. Obama looked the other way when the blacks got into robbing the stores. It was a way to destroy America, which Obama was very much part of.

The “hate the white man” propaganda was pumped up all during the Obama administration. Everyone now is all upset about Google making George Washington Black. Well, the musical “Hamilton” started this whole changing history crap. The whole cast was black. And Obama promoted that musical every chance he could get. Hamilton was the man who wanted the National Bank. He was the money guy. It worked for a while but then…here we are. I didn’t see the musical, but at the time I wondered…”All these black and white kids are going to see this play, and think that really, blacks started the country.”

They already say the blacks BUILT Washtington D.C., which is a pretty big lie.

On the first of February, our cable TV turned to featuring all the black channels. Our own saved channels were replaced…it’s BLACK HISTORY MONTH!

And if you watch the millions pouring across the border, at least half are black. Many on the news media are celebrating that soon, the whites will be in the minority.

How is this happening? You can thank Obama, who everyone says, is the real President right now. All his people run Joe Biden, as if, this had been their plan for years. (See the video below.)

So, Nobody they really want a race war?

The whites won’t start it, but it seems the Democrats have been trying to light that fire for years. And if the Democrats run Michelle? You can bet your next rent payment that she will light the fuse.

February 28, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 2 Comments