Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

America: Land of the Lawless

Nobody Reports

Their is a reason both Bill and Hillary Clinton were lawyers. They had to learn the law so they could twist it. The Clintons, as well as Biden, are behind this smashing and trashing of the man who BEAT Hillary first time around. Hillary took over the FBI when Bill was screwing everything that walked, and she paid out so much money, and dished out so much trash to the women that Bill “raped”, that many have forgotten it.

Notice how Bill Clinton rarely appears in public? It’s not just Epstein’s Island that they hid, it’s every crime comminted by them, and there were many.

The democrats now OWN pretty much every department in the United States, and now they are trying to take out Trump AND Musk. They want complete control, and they will do this…I’ve read that 90 percent of ALL lawyers donate to the democrats.

Yes, the justice system is a joke in all democratic cities.

But this conviction of a president is disgusting. This has NEVER happened in the history of our country.

The democrat break EVERY law, EVERY rule, because they can. They have placed thier syncophants at the heads of every department.

They will probably arrest Trump, put him in handcuffs, just for the press image.

Meantime Biden goes free.

A man from Cuba was on the radio today, saying that this is how they did it in Cuba. They arrested and threw in jail, a political opponent. Then they went out and arrested thousands of people

This could be the plan to happen here.

I wrote about all these SEX ‘crimes’. Watch and see if some woman comes out and accuses Elon.

They have to get rid of the powerful men that CAN cause their destrution.

I hope Trump reaches out to Elon. I heard that Elon is going to have him on a townhall on X.

While I am angry, and sad to see this: I admit, I knew America was in bad shape for many years and when they tell you to “call you congressmen” all I do is laugh.

Yeah, right. They really care.

But, you can be sure both Elon AND Trump dont want to see this nation die.

Both, true patriots. Elon wants to save humanity, Trump wants to save America.


Communists and dictators, have taken over our country. Who can doubt it now?

But be careful: they WANT civil war, so they can get the guns. Remember that. And yes, then they will be coming after YOU.

“If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics, rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.” Elon Musk.

May 31, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , ,

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