Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

The REAL News: The Deck is Stacked Against the Patroit.

Nobody Wins

When I saw the headline in my local community paper: Bringing Healthcare into Schools I thought to myself: Oh-oh. There go our property taxes. Despite the fact that Trump was elected President, the democrats that run St. Louis, and St. Louis County have actually gone full speed ahead with raising our taxes and putting in full force ‘taking’ care of the newly arrived Muslims, and illegals.

So, when my answered my front door today, I was NOT surprised to meet a man who gave me an envelope and told me ALL the property rates were going up 25%.

“I knew this was coming, after I read that WE will be supplying free health care to all the schools. How else would they pay for it? We supply them breakfast, lunch AND dinner, and now we must pay for their health care.” I told him.

And here’s the truth of it. Years ago, St. Louis county was mostly white. The city decided to move the black population of the city out to the country and make the white people in the county PAY for that move, and their property taxes went up, BUT their property values went down. Mostly because the black population, brought crime and drugs.

St. Louis has the HIGHEST crime rate in the United States, according to some reports. . And most of those crimes are committed near Ferguson, Missouri.  Being a white person, I am in the minority now. Just last night, nine people were shot not more than 15 miles from my house.

In just one night.

Years ago, those whites who could afford to get out, did. But many whites, like myself, didn’t make enough money to move, and mostly because, despite what you read, many whites are NOT racists.

I was one of them.

But Obama took care of all that. He pushed the “Hate whitey card” every single day.

I continued to complain to the guy. He  told me the value of my house went UP and therefore the value went up by over $50,000.


Right. I said. After Ferguson. Sure. The property values ALWAYS go down, and yet, every year my property taxes go up.”

Add to that, the fact that the people passed a huge tax to be given to the police, and GUESS WHAT?

Surprise, surprise, none of it went to the police. The democratic politicians gave it to other ‘projects’ and now they need more money.

There has also been a BIG push to consolidate all the local counties into ONE BIG St. Louis city, and that’s because the city itself is completely broke.

If I could move out of this hellhole I would.

But, I can’t. I’m retired, the house is paid for, so there you go.

The property taxes alone will force me to someday sell my house. The house we continue to upgrade. And all new “codes” must be met, and all new “codes” are making our politicians rich.

When I leave, a new Muslim or immigrant will get a fabulous house, one that we invested all our money into improvements, at a fraction of the cost, and will NOT have to pay the full property taxes.

No, they will only have to pay 30%. This is happening now all over St. Louis County. These ‘minorities’ live in $350,000 homes and only must pay 30 percent of the mortgage. The taxpayers pick up the rest.

And most of those taxpayers are white retirees who live in near poverty.

They don’t tell you this on the news.

It’s not right. It’s not fair. And Nobody Wins with socialism.

President Trump says the United States will never become a socialist country.

In democratic cities all over the U.S., we already are.

The good news is that the man who delivered the news to me was a BIG Trump supporter, and he told me that in his neighborhood, they told him he could not put up a Trump for President sign. But HILLARY?
That was okay. We had a great talk, about how great Trump was, and how our kids were being brainwashed.

So…good news. At least the bad news came from a patriot.

They always talk about how the “deck is stacked.”

What they don’t tell you is the truth: It’s stacked against the America patriot.

March 20, 2019 Posted by | American History, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment