Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel: Obama’s Dr. Death Speaks

Nobody Wonders

Zeke The Bleake, was on TV this morning. That’s Rahm Emanuel’s older brother, the man who designed the Obamacare system that has left our nation depleted of doctors. While Obama laughed at it having death panels, Sarah Palin was right: that’s exactly what it had:

Tom Blumer:

OBAMACARE: They are all designed and destined to ration care. This will lead, as it has in state-run systems virtually everywhere, to long waits for even critical services. In Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal, Harvard professor and chairman of President Ronald Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers Martin Feldstein confirmed this obvious and inconvenient truth, writing that “rationing health care is central to President Barack Obama’s health plan.”

Socialized Health care, which is what we got with Obamacare, is still being promoted by the democrats and Zeke was on MSNBC this morning claiming that nobody should be trying the Hydroxychloroquine

Many people recovering from the virus, disagree. LINK

He was saying that some man died after swallowing some Hydroxychloroquine that he had in his house, and how nobody knew if it helped, trying the best he could from getting people to use it. He forgot to mention that what that man ate was meant for Koi fish! It was fish food stupid. He continues to claim Trump is ignorant. In the meantime, we have him to thank for the fact that half our hospitals now are filled with foreign doctors.

Well of COURSE Doctor Death wants you do die. And isn’t it convenient that this virus attacks mostly the old and infirmed?

It’s one of the reasons Obama did not replenish the masks stock after the U.S. used all them up to deal with the H1N1 flu. It’s why this Nobody would not doubt for one single minute if the leaders of the democratic socialist party were, if not behind this China bio-weapon, completely happy with it.

Pelosi and Schumer act as if it’s a big Christmas present.

Joyanna, be real. They don’t want to KILL people.

REALLY? Well, read the ‘good’ doctor’s own words.

Here’s what Dr. Death wrote in a paper “Principle for Allocation of Scarce Medical Iintervention “ written in 2009:

“Such an approach accepts a two-tiered health system-some citizens will receive only basic services while others will receive both basic and some discretionary health services… Substantively, it suggests services that promote the continuation of the polity-those that ensure healthy future generations, ensure development of practical reasoning skills, and ensure full and active participation by citizens in public deliberations-are to be socially guaranteed as basic. Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.”

When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated.” This may be justified by public opinion, since “broad consensus favours adolescents over very young infants, and young adults over very elderly people.”

“Strict youngest-first allocation directs scarce resources predominantly to infants. This approach seems incorrect. The death of a 20-year-old woman is intuitively worse than that of a 2-month-old girl, even though the baby has had less life. The 20-year-old has a much more developed personality than the infant, and has drawn upon the investment of others to begin as-yet-unfulfilled projects…. Adolescents have received substantial substantial education and parental care, investments that will be wasted without a complete life. Infants, by contrast, have not yet received these investments…. It is terrible when an infant dies, but worse, most people think, when a three-year-old child dies, and worse still when an adolescent does.”

“Social Value Allocation” prioritizes specific individuals to enable them to promote other important values, or rewards them for having promoted these values. In view of the multiplicity of reasonable values in society and in view of what is at stake, social value allocation must not legislate socially conventional, mainstream values.”

“Allocators must also avoid directing interventions earmarked for health needs to those not relevant to the health problem at hand, which covertly exacerbates scarcity. For instance, funeral directors might be essential to preserving health in an influenza pandemic, but not during a shortage of intensive-care beds. For instance, former organ donors seem to deserve reciprocity since they make a serious sacrifice and since there is no surplus of organ donors. By contrast, laboratory staff who serve as vaccine production workers do not incur serious risk nor are they irreplaceable, so reciprocity seems less appropriate for them.”

You want to talk about Nazi’s? This man only wants the young, and healthy to survive. If you remember, even Obama said that grandma should just die naturally. His gave this advice to his own white mother. What makes them any different?

Once again: Triage. The ‘elites’ of the world cannot support the Ponzi welfare systems they have set up in all of their countries. And Italy has the most older people of all the European population. Italy has been a thorn in the E.U. side for quite some time.

The old there are being left to die. Period.

We might blame this on China, and we should. But something tells me, the deep state had a big hand in it, because they KNOW that sooner rather than later, they will not be able to send money to the masses they promised: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security.

They just don’t have any money ‘saved’ in that lock-box of social programs. Who KNOWS where it went. Part of it went to Iran, we do know that. Too many wars. The rest of the world. Politicians offshore accounts.

And the the sooner we are bold enough to admit the enemy within, the sooner the world can get back to normal.

And by the way, Dr. Death used to work for the WHO. Just saying.

“Taiwan did report our concern on the severity of coronavirus last December to the WHO,” TECRO said in a statement. “But as a rule, our reporting is always a one-way street. WHO mostly ignored our messages and never shared information as they do to other countries.

And STILL, our President wins.

We WILL win. Evil sooner or later, (And these people ARE evil) loses.

March 24, 2020 - Posted by | communism, Deep State, Uncategorized | , ,


  1. […] according to Ezekiel Emanuel (ObamaCare architect, Obama’s Dr Death, brother of Obamunist Rahm “Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste” Emanuel, and MSNBC designated […]


    Pingback by If you thought Rahm Emanuel was a statist consider his brother – The Daley Gator | April 9, 2020 | Reply

    • Well, some of the news on Cable are starting to report the end game of Bill Gates having us all branded with his chips…

      Tell me this isn’t a well-planned attack to gain global control of the population. How stupid are we? Or more importantly, how many years has it taken them to dumb down the masses to the point where they give up their minds to propaganda and tyranny?


      Comment by Joyanna Adams | April 10, 2020 | Reply

  2. […] exagerrated the danger. Yet according to Ezekiel Emanuel (ObamaCare architect, Obama’s Dr Death, brother of Obamunist Rahm “Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste” Emanuel, and MSNBC […]


    Pingback by Moonbattery ObamaCare Architect Calls for 18-Month Lockdown - Moonbattery | April 8, 2020 | Reply

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