Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

What President Trump Has In Common With President Lincoln.

Nobody Flashes

Today I got a phone call: “Hi, this is June, would you like some Trump posters?” June is the head of the Republican party here in my little town. We didn’t really get off on a good footing because when I went to sign up to be a delegate, she sent me to the wrong place, where I was treated pretty rudely.

And they wonder why more people don’t get involved in local politics…trump-w-cops

She actually came to apologize. I had never met her, but as we talked in my library, I asked her how she had gotten involved in the Republican Party.

“Well, I used to work for Procter and Gamble, and I lost my job. Then I started volunteering for Bush/Chevy.”

While she was talking, I was thinking that she looked like a hippie. No makeup, old jeans, and an old high school red jacket. Like the one Michael J. Fox wore in Back to the Future. Her hair looked a bit messed up. But, when she talked, all that didn’t matter. She was a full-blown patriot…knowledgeable and passionate about Trump and his win. She was 74, but had the energy of a 30-year-old.

June was a Lutheran who was proud of the fact that our city had thrown out Common Core, and many of the Lutheran schools were a big help to that.

I was thinking to myself…that it was simple people like this woman, who volunteered countless hours…putting up signs, calling people…and carefully building a ‘list’ of republicans, that made it possible for Trump to win against all odds.

Truly, the establishment has underestimated the average citizen. They have forgotten them all.

“But, I’m not a republican. I’m an Independent.” I said.  No matter, I was on her list, which she was proud to say, she NEVER gave out to anyone.abe-lincoln

Tonight, as I watched the President-elect at the concert given to him on the steps on the Lincoln memorial,  I was watching his reaction to the patriotic songs of Toby Keith…moving his head to the patriotic music, and he looked just like one of us. I’m sure, when Obama danced, the blacks felt “He’s just like one of us.” I was wondering how much the “democrats” were hating the music…because there wasn’t a rapper singing racists lyrics anywhere to be found.  It’s been more than a decade since we heard patriotic music of any kind.

The concert almost felt alien, sad to say. That’s how far the globalists have gone to destroy “nationalism.”

I was worried about Trump and his family. After all, even CNN was gleaming today, that if Donald Trump was assassinated then Obama could stay in power!

Nobody noticed but me, that there wasn’t much smiling going on in the Trump family. And where was his youngest son? Were they concerned about snipers? Was the threats of the terrorists getting to them? Tonight, I hear the jets going off near my house….(Boeing)

I wondered about what was coming tomorrow, because the noise from the left has been that they are going to war against Trump.

The picture of President Trump looking at Lincoln was moving, and I remembered what June told me this afternoon:lincoln-five

 “None of the Democrats attended Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration, she told me. They wanted to keep the slaves.”

We all know what’s coming.

The last week has been a disgusting example on the Hill, of the most radical democrats leading a repeat of the Salem Witch Hunt. I had to turn it off. Nasty. Really, uncalled for nastiness. And they’ve stalled his nominations, putting the whole country at risk once again.joe-bidne-4

So, I ask you, how are the Democrats of 2017 any different from the Democrats who protested Lincoln? The reason is pretty much the same.  They want to keep the Americans citizens, and especially the blacks, as slaves to high taxes, government interference, and working for the global plantation owners at the top. Not to mention, a full-blown wave of global immigrants to work on the cheap.

It was said, Obama made his last phone call as president to Merkel in Germany. He also released more prisoners in one day…360…more than any other president.

At Davos this week, Joe Biden was afraid that the progressive liberal global plans would crumble due to “populism.”

“The purpose is clear: to collapse the liberal international order…and to return to a world where the strong impose its will through military might, corruption, and criminality, while weaker nations have to fall into line.”

Funny isn’t it. He is describing what the people of the world see now in Obama and the Democrats.

But, the really powerful are in panic: Christine Legarde, the head of the IMF  said this:legarde-two

“I want to be loud and clear: populism scares me…policy makers need to man up and pay for the social cohesion that we need to keep our societies advancing…it probably means more redistribution than we have in place at the moment and accept that this many be a higher tax burden on people. “

And that’s it: A higher tax on the poor people of America. .

As June was leaving, she turned to me and said,

”It’s horrible what they are doing to Trump. But, they are only destroying themselves. It will be the end of their party.”

I wanted to tell her that the Democratic party is dead. It’s now morphed into the black caucus of Marxist radicals. But…the phone rang, and she left.

The democrats (BLM)  will bring out their thugs tomorrow…but there is one thing they just don’t get: For every thug, there will be an American who will…take it no more.

Soon, we will have the President we deserve. God be with him. trump-and-lincoln

January 20, 2017 Posted by | American History, Presidential election 2016, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Nobody Remembers the Power Grabs of Abraham Lincoln

Nobody Remembers

Abraham Lincoln….THE President almost every school kid in America was told, freed the slaves. But..was there an easier way to do it? Did we HAVE to have that horrible Civil War? Lincoln one

According to Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, Abe was no saint. He had this to say in his book The Constitution in Exile

“The bloodiest war in American history could have been avoided. But, with very little regard for honesty, Lincoln increased federal power and assaulted the Constitution.  His actions were unconstitutional and he knew it. By barring the Southern states the right to secede Lincoln preserved the geographical Union but tore apart the Constitution. “

Yes, states have a RIGHT by our constitution to secede, but Abe refused to let them, and it wasn’t about slavery at all…it was about expanding federal power over the states, and building an empire.

Judge Napolitano…points out that history has gotten Abe all wrong. He mentioned Lincoln’s Confiscation Acts which Lincoln used to free the slaves.

The act provided that slaves would be transported to countries in the tropics. The freed slaves were not to be housed in the North. and if the Slave owner said he would be loyal to the UNION, he could keep his slave.

The truth is, Lincoln was supporting the political philosophy of Henry Clay, who was the leader of the Whigs.Constitution

“For forty years, Clay supported the creation of an American empire through measures such as corporate welfare (which political liked to call ‘internal improvements.” today we call them corporate tax breaks, protectionist tariffs, and a nationwide central bank. All of the things that Clay favored in essence provided for a highly centralized government. And Lincoln supported them all. “

When Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, most Northerners were surprised because the government had never previously said that the reason for the war was to liberate black slaves in the South.

And according to the Judge, Lincoln could have saved over 650,000 lives if he would have let the South leave the union. The Judge thinks, slavery would have it did in England. England had freed its slave without violent conflict about twenty years earlier. Other countries too did it peacefully: Dutch (1863,) Puerto Rico (1873,) Brazil (1871-88,) and Cuba (1886) So WHY was our Civil war so bloody?

Lincoln was more concerned about the failure of states to collect tariffs than he was about slavery. Lincoln murdered civilians, declared martial law, suspended Habeas Corpus, seized vast amounts of private property without compensation (including railroads and telegraphs, and conducted a war without the consent of Congress,

“imprisoning nearly thirty thousand Northern citizens without trial shutting down several newspapers, and even deporting a congressman because he objected to the imposition of an income tax.”

In Maryland alone, Lincolns’ troops arrested and imprisoned without trail a mayor, a congressman, and thirty one state legislators.Lincoln two

He expanded the army and navy and used federal money to purchase arms and ammunition. without the consent of Congress. Only Congress can declare war, Lincoln said he was “suppressing a rebellion.”

According to the Judge, Lincoln behaved like a tyrant. And his general Sherman did too.

Sherman burned an entire town in Tennessee. Observers noted that “small Union units under his command expelled families from river towns and killed others who refused to be evacuated. Sherman’s march to the sea was nothing but a murderous rampage.

And we have Lincoln to thank for the income tax. He also increased taxes on just about everything. He established National Banks across the nation.

“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it. and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it: And if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.”

The Judge puts a new light on Spielberg’s excellent movie called Lincoln, which made Lincoln out to be a saint…which goes to show you, it’s all how you look at it.

I’m not sure what to think about the Judge’s harsh opinion about Abraham Lincoln, but there is one thing that he is absolutely right on: Lincoln became a dictator.Lincoln three

War…seems to bring that out in all leaders.

God only knows what Obama will do to Americans should we be attacked.

Something tells me he will make Lincoln look like a saint….that history has always reported he was.

July 24, 2015 Posted by | American History, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment