Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Remembers the Logan Act

Nobody Remembers

Two important events were happening today around the Capitol: The first was the unveiling of  George W. Bush’s and Laura Bush’s Presidential portraits, and the second was the infamous meeting of the world elites: better known as The Bilderberg meeting…which by the way, I just found out…was illegal.

Logan Act, a law passed under the John Adams administration in 1799.

The Logan Act reads as follows:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Ha, Ha, Ha.

First, let me say that George W. looked very depressed today, and almost in tears when he mentioned his father for his “unconditional” love while addressing the ceremony. While his remarks were suppose to be humorous, if you took them literally, he thought the country started out with a George W. and ended with a George W, (himself) and he made Michelle promise to grab his portrait if the White House should come under attack, just like Dolly Madison. She assured him she would.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

These Biderberg meetings have been going on since 1954. Like Skull and Bones it is all done with high secrets. Only the VERY top people of the world attend, and it is said that U.S. Presidents are picked there too.  John Edwards appeared there once, but we all know how that ended…

With a get-out-of-jail free card!

Many people are wondering if the Bilderberg Conference is a place that decides the leaders in this world. Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush both apparently attended Bilderberg conferences in the years prior to election as President. Prior to becoming Prime Minister of England in 1997, Tony Blair was an attendee at the 1993 Bilderberg conference.

This year, they figured they can come out of the closet and let everyone know who was going to be there: The usual are always there: Kissinger, Charlie Rose, John Kerry, Eric Schmidt, Washington Post, Goldman Sachs, Robert Zoelick, China, Russia, USA,…lots of lords and CEO’s, and Queens, and…this year, my personal favorite: Peggy Noonan.

That explains her flip-flop from a Reagan woman to a Obama woman.

According to those who know, this year they are still working on the global agenda of taxing for carbons, (Agenda 21) taxing for this, and that, and whatever else they can figure out. Keeping the elites in power, and in the money, you can be assured is the main motive.

And this year…more power will be lost to the United States, if the U.N. gets it way… which by the WAY…was one of the things that John Adams won when the peace treaty was signed in England after the war: He fought and won the fishing rights off our Northern coasts…one of the things England did not want to give up.  

Our source informs us that Bilderberg are keen on fully enforcing the United Nations’ Law of the Sea treaty, which would hand the global body control over all U.S. oceans and force ships to pay a tariff directly to the UN.

But, back to the White House…

There is one thing that Bush said to Obama that was scary to this Nobody. I didn’t take it as a joke: He said that when Obama needed to decide on certain courses as President, he should come and look at George’s picture and ask himself “What would George do?”

Yes, if we are hit with a nuclear strike, what would Obama do? Would he call up George W. Bush and ask for advice?

Ha. Ha. Ha.

No matter what you think of the Bilderberg group, one very important thing sticks out like a red-headed baby in Dubai:

Everyone all over the world is being spied on with camera’s, drones, NSA (yes they were there too) and Google, BUT, we are not allowed to know anything about the people who control the world, the very people who have secretly been meeting for years to discuss how to control the populations.

John Adams, if he were President, would arrest them all.

May 31, 2012 Posted by | Bilderberg, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Nobody’s Fool: Allen West…Again.

Nobody’s Fool

I love this guy. Straight talking, clear headed, intelligent.. reeks with honor…..VP material. You go Allen….

May 31, 2012 Posted by | Allen West | , , , | Leave a comment