Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Trump—- as Presidential As You Can Get

Nobody Flashes

I’m was doing year-end financial ‘stuff’, and I was listening to this interview while I was adding up what I spent this year…

And I thought it was so good, that I wanted to share it. Compare this man, to every other candidate. (ignore the title)

He IS the most personable of all the candidates.  I got tired of listening to all the Sunday talk shows putting him AND everyone who supports him down.

They know he has a good chance of winning the nomination, so now their new talking point is: He can’t win the election.

PLEASE. Donald can’t beat a woman who can barely walk down a few steps and stay out of the bathroom? Ha. Picture Hillary walking down the stairs of Air Force One for another eight years…do you really want to see that?

According to my son (Who was raised to have good sense like his mama) he thinks that the democratic MEN will say they will vote for Hillary, but when they get into that booth..

NO WAY. Most of them will stay home.

Okay, I’m joining Ann Coulter and Phyllis Schlafly in full fledge support of the TRUMPSTER!

Now, back to shredding every single fast food, grocery, drug store, pet store receipt I collected since January.



December 27, 2015 - Posted by | Trump, Uncategorized |


  1. Somehow, I enjoy the sound of “President Trump” and I keep practicing it over and over and over!


    Comment by madmemere | January 4, 2016 | Reply

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