Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

We Didn’t Start the Fire

Nobody’s Opinion

I have a friend who writes for a famous online website, and in one of his last emails he was all upset about President Trump. He repeated almost verbatim the constant criticisms we hear everywhere, and which we will hear tonight, if we watch the Grammys. He is a very intelligent guy, but he married into a very rich and liberal California family, and I wonder, just why, he doesn’t give the stuff he hears every day more discerning attention. And sadly, I realized, there are many more like him. As Goebbels said famously, if the lie is big enough and you repeat it enough, people believe it.

Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers

And there are a lot of big lies making the headlines today.

The producer of the Grammy’s, which are on tonight, has given the star’s complete permission to blast away at our new President. Musicians, and I can attest to this, have just as big as ego’s as the movie stars, and I expect Adele to try to top Meryl Streep. Does she think she’s the best singer to ever grace the planet? Probably. But that’s no reason to spoil our night, is it?

What is insane is the annoying crying of how they: rich movie stars, and black people, and gay people, and Hispanics and let’s throw poodles in there for good measure— yes, they are ALL, every single one of them being attacked by the “white supremacists” —Those…homophobic, Islamophobia, horrible and deplorable people who voted for President Trump.

Meryl Streep, for instance, attacked our President while the world was watching, and is SHOCKED that she is getting threats.

“It’s terrifying to put the target on your forehead,” she said. “And it sets you up for all sorts of attacks and armies of brown shirts and bots and worse, and the only way you can do it is if you feel you have to. You have to! You don’t have an option. You have to.”beheading-of-gays

Okay. Notice the word “Brown shirts.” What Meryl Streep, and many of her paid attackers are doing are themselves creating the very same thing that happened in Nazi Germany.

They are attacking…a certain brand of people. Mostly, hard-working, patriotic, white people, who mostly support the other half of the country that does NOT work. They remember the old America, and they aren’t really excited about the new socialistic and yes, fascistic life being forced on them.

As I’ve written here a hundred times, when a democrat accuses a conservative of anything, it’s exactly what they are doing. If there’s a crime, Democrats are committing the very crime, they are accusing the Republicans of.

And the crime that Obama, Sanders, Hillary… in fact the whole party of progressive (Remember, the communists changed their name to progressives long ago) losers are committing the very same crime committed by Hitler in Nazi Germany.

The Jews were attacked. The Jews were blamed for Germany’s problems.

Now, add to the Jews, the white man.

The new Jew in America IS the white man. If he does not agree with the liberal party line, then the white man must be brought into the fold, and shamed, yes, just like the Jews were in Germany, shamed into suffering from the crime…of being white.kid-scare

I’m surprised they haven’t gotten around to making us all wear white armbands.

Obama started this shaming. Every single chance he got, he ‘shamed’ us all for being “racist.” Obama fanned the fires of racism in Ferguson and Baltimore, and the mall riots. He is still doing it. He ignored all the knockout games going on all through the 8 years he was President. He tried to shame us for wanting our “guns and religion.”

To further attack the white (Jew), universities now have classes teaching how NOT to act like a white supremacist, and how to spot them, like this one at Notre Dame.

Sociology 25280, or “White Privilege Seminar: An Introduction to the Intersections of Privilege,” is a one-credit, six-week preparatory sociology class designed to educate and train ten carefully selected students on the definitions of and causes and effects of white privilege, according to the course description.

White privilege? Trust me. No middle class white person in America feels “privileged.”

Go ahead…type in ‘White supremacy” and see the attacks on white people. One title said, What can educators do about white supremacy?
I want to know how many of these educators have looked at their white skin lately, and wonder if that’s why they make the big bucks…and if they believe that, then why aren’t they giving up their jobs to a Muslim, or a  black teacher?


Last night we went to the movie, John Wick. There was a trailer before the movie done by Whoopi Goldberg to be shown on ABC, where she is portrayed as some kind of hero, shaming the white man for victimizing women, gays, blacks… whatever. Be sure not to watch it if you’re white.

Also, I’d pass up Netflick’s new series on “Dear White People” where you will be shamed into hearing how bad you are, never mind that your only crime is that you are white.

When Madonna said she wanted to “blow up the white house” she meant it.jews

But there’s one thing that the white man of America has that the Jews of Germany didn’t have.

We still have the numbers, our guns, and our belief in God. We have the good God that doesn’t behead you if you don’t worship him, or call you a white supremacist if you love your country, and are proud of the heritage of your ancestors.

There is a line in Amistad, where Cinque, the slave, talks of his ancestors. It’s one of my favorite lines in any movie.

Tell me, is there any man or woman on earth who could not utter those same lines? Why should anyone of any color be ashamed of the color of their skin? Why should white people?

No other group on this planet has done more for humanity. That’s not to say that a black, or brown, or any other ethnic group could not have achieved the same…but they didn’t. Why?

Not because of the color of their skin, or the country they are from, but from something that one ‘tribe’ of people seemed to have known: Freedom is the key. Despite the dark hour of slavery, it was the white man who gave us the “rule of law.” Based on the ten commandments, it has been the rock upon great nations were built.

The white man, have given us just about every convenience we have today, from Tom Edison lighting up the world, to computers, to cell phones, to, you name it. The Jews have won more Nobel prizes than any other group of people.

Was this due to white privilege? No. It was sheer determination to make life better for themselves.

Education. Good law. A willingness to make mistakes and keep trying. And hard work. Simple formulas that spell success.

White people are not the enemy. President Trump is not the enemy.

The truth is the rise of the Progressives will damn us all to being just another socialist tyrannical country.  They are the ones that are following in Hitler’s footsteps, and they have the backing of the global corporations whose real motivation is not the progress of humanity, but the control of them.

For they will lead the world into darkness.

No…we didn’t start the fire, but we did light up the world. We defeated the Nazi’s. We saved the world more times than we’ve ever gotten credit for.

The truth is nobody is privileged in this world. We could all die tomorrow, no matter what age or color. The real prejudiced people are the ones trying to shame you into believing that you have no right to save your country, and the ones you love.

Man was put on earth to survive. As President Trump said: “We either have a country, or we don’t.” It’s not up to the rich progressive globalist who should become Americans.

It’s up to the Americans. And no amount of shaming us is going to change that. Americans should call to their ancestors, like Cinque did.

For we are the reason that they existed at all.



February 12, 2017 - Posted by | imigration, Uncategorized | ,

1 Comment »

  1. Shout it out Joyanna.


    Comment by Amfortas | February 15, 2017 | Reply

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