Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Is Rahm Emanuel Going Back to his OLD Job?

Nobody’s Opinion

President Trump and his allies are pushing debunked claims of corruption by Mr. Biden as a counternarrative to impeachment. —New York Times

“DEBUNKED?!” By who? Joe Biden?

I don’t get it. I JUST don’t get it. This morning on George Stephanopoulos’ program they sat Rahm Emanuel next to Chris Christie, who with his typical bug- eyed lying stare….with that “I was Obama’s boy” look on his face, vehemently claimed that the President should be impeached for trying to get another nation involved in our elections.

WHAT!? That’s exactly what the democrats did and it’s on video for all to see.

Chris Christie. Said nothing.

By now, anyone who reads knows the REAL truth. Obama weaponized the FBI, the CIA, AND State Department, to form a fake dozier (Paid for by Hillary) to do research on candidate Trump and put anybody they could get their hands on in jail.

And they use the Ukraine to get it going.

If you are just a citizen too busy with your life to understand the audacity of this statement, your life is easy. ME? I can’t tell you what I think of these scums because the NSA reads everything.

I’ve been reading a lot of Peter Schweizer lately: Clintons Cash, Throw Them All Out, and Secret Empires. Peter is amazing.

All the crimes you knew the Clintons and the Bidens, and the deep state were committing are…well…proven beyond any “Oh, it’s been debunked” BS claim in his books.

But, back to Rahm

Rahm wants to impeach Trump on a “Well, he INTENED not to give the poor Ukraine military aid.” Rahm said this, and yet, he worked for Obama and sent them blankets for eight years, and during Rahm’s and Obama’s reign Russia invaded the Ukraine.

What did Obama do?

The audacity of Rahm…knows no bounds. Rahm wants you to forget that they let Russia attack the Ukraine…but Trump had a phone call.

And he was TRYING to find out their secret multimillion’s dollar payouts.

Add the billions they made in China make the Ukraine look like nothing. Since it’s illegal for politicians to make money off of deals with other country, they just get their KIDS to do it. ‘


Peter Schweizer documents in his book how VP Joe Biden and John Kerry took a plane to China and negotiated a great deal. They’d let China build their military bases in the middle of the ocean, basically taking over control of the Asian sea routs. and Biden agreed that we’d have to ASK China for their permission to cross that very lucrative trading route.

What did WE get in return? Nothing. But Hunter and John Kerry’s boy got billions from China, to pocket, given to them by the China national bank, to their many companies set up for precisely this scam. Talk about Quid pro quo.

From Secret Empire

We are used to the typical “revolving door’ corruption where government officials will carry out politics that then, after leaving office, take a job from those who benefited. But with most of the deals covered in this book, these politicians do not wait until they leave office. The ACCUMULATION BEGINS WHILE THEY ARE STILL SERVING. Rather than personal accumulation, the wealth flows to someone who is important in their life, a child, another family member, or a close friend. Those relatives are NOT required to disclose publicly how much money they are making or from whom. It is a pernicious form of what I call corruption by proxy.

So, Hunter, Pelosi’s son Paul, John Kerry’s boy, Chris Heinz, and I’m sure many of our politicians have been running this scam for years. They all were deep in getting billions out of the corrupt Ukraine, and Hillary was involved in this too.

And the Chinese do it too. Their kids will make deals with our politician’s kids and the money goes into secret bank accounts in Belize or Panama. No taxes. No one knows.

Billy Carter, brother of President Jimmy Carter, famously took money from the Libyans. President Bill Clinton’s brother Roger took money from the South Koreans. President George W. Bush’s brother Neil got a nice deal from a Chinese computer company backed ty the son of the Chinese president.

Now, if politicians can do it, why not CEO’s? Is it any wonder that BOTH Zuckerberg and Rupert Murdoch marred women that were from China?

What I don’t get is WHY the republicans aren’t talking about his. WHY are they not pointing out ALL these crimes committed by the democrats? Why, why…… why…. WHY!!

Nowhere does our own GOP Congress say a word.

Are the democrats that powerful? CAN they have anybody killed.

Trump calls them out, but nobody else is saying much, and the ones that do are being systematically silenced.

Like Drudge. The rumor is: Drudge sold his site.

And as we saw in the townhall with Joe Biden, if you even question him YOU will be attacked—As a fat, deplorable, liar.

So, the vicious attacks and the “There is nothing to see here” will go on.

And the only thing that has been debunked is the New York Times. But then again, nobody here in middle America even reads it.

And back to Rahm. I thought it was funny that he got out of being mayor, and now is on TV again. Does he think he’s going  BACK to his old job at the White House as an advisor to Hillary, or Michelle?

Well…I wouldn’t doubt it. They just move the pieces on the chessboard and the same people stay at the top.

And that’s why, our Congressmen say nothing.

They all have kids.

December 8, 2019 - Posted by | Deep State, democrats | , ,


  1. Right you are Anonymous.

    I was talking to a ‘conservative’ today, and she was so angry about how Trump ‘talks’. That’s the Second lady that is angry about it, so I have to wonder…did they watch the same cable TV program that convinced them that Trump shouldn’t be President because they don’t like the way he “talks?”

    I stuck up for Trump of course, but I made her mad. You can’t tell people just how much they are being manipulated.

    And global warming? Such a hoax. Real scientists tell us that before an ice age, the weather gets more violent in many ways before it ‘cools’.

    And those scientists, and THAT data never gets on our TV.


    Comment by Joyanna Adams | December 9, 2019 | Reply

  2. Thank you, I have come to realize that most of the masses are unwilling to do any thought on topics. They rather be told what to think. Why read the original document when you can be told by a person on tv what to think. Have you read Isaac Asimov’s foundation series? The basic premise is that you can manipulate the masses, jotban individual. I know people who think Trump did quid pro quo with Ukraine because the news said so. Did they read the transcripts? No why should they the tv told them what it said.
    Take climate change hoax, do they look at the data? No tv told them what to think. Never mind it was global warming, but now that the earth is cooling the manipulators can’t start saying global ice age that would be too close of a switch. They now use climate change. That way it is easier to manipulate the masses.


    Comment by Anonymous | December 9, 2019 | Reply

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