Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Sex Card. Race Card: All nonsense.


The politicians use it as a weapon, every single time, and it’s mostly the democrats, the biggest sinners when it comes to ‘sex’ that use it to

The trial that is going on right now, accusing President Trump of paying ‘hush’ money to Stormy Daniels “(Come on, who has a name like that, but your local stripper sex club girls?) is completely criminal.

Does ANYBODY remember how much money President Bill Clinton paid out to all the woman who claimed they had been raped or sexually molested by him? Quite a bit…in fact thousands. Not to mention, Bill has never been prosecuted for having sex with underage women on Epstein’s Island. Do you ever see them dragging Bill into court? No never.

Why is that?

The Clintons still retain power. As do the Obamas. They’ve taken over and control now, most of our institutions.

So..once again…SEX.

You would think by now, people would get tired of using sex as a political game to get rid of opponents.

Stormy Daniels?


And that lawyer?

Come on, they just want to put him in jail, and destroy him

Historically speaking, it’s been the biggest card of political destruction, and they play it every single time.

I don’t know about you, but whoever delt it, ….you know the rest.

We pray, for President Trump….at least I do.

The real question is: when exaclty are the slimy republicans going to fight back?

Right now, the only ones sticking up for Trump are Vivek and Elon.

So, where are you House of Cards?

April 15, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Speaker Johnson Sides With Democrats?

Nobody’s Opinion

I remember when the American people, wanted Jim Jordon for the speaker. We all thought that he would be the closest to us all. At least the Trump supporters did.

And then, as usual, at the last minute,..wait! We have someone better!

Mike Johnson. A smooth talker. I must admit, I thought he was too smooth, and Jim, who knows how Congress works, decided to stick to what he does best: point out all the criminals.

So, Johnson did the good old routine of pretending to be religious, moral, yada yada, and then once in, he went straight to the globalist agenda.

Are we surprised? Does the moon circle the earth? Does Kim Kardashian change her looks every other month, and get new buttplants? Will the American people vote for JFK even though the poor man has trouble speaking? Would they perfer a Hollywood celebrity?

Well, I’d prefer Elon Musk, but that’s me. I’m praying…for D.C. to implode on it’s own wieght. You know…all that money…all those parties,…somebody from China will just come in and sink it?

Here Rand Paul explains that not only did he NOT protect our 4th amendment rights, which by the way, has been long gone anyway thanks to Obama, Bush, and Clinton, he is also backing Ukraine.

I think most Americans right now would not care if the whole lot of them, save a handfull of patriots, would just disappear.

Term limits would help, but that’s not going to happen.

Congress, in my Nobody Opinion, is a oligarthy of worthless, clueless, and hopeless theives, eating at the public buffet, and charging it to the average worker who can hardly stand up anymore.

But hey! At least I didn’t call them the Parliment of Whores.

Only a few, like Rand Paul, take the job seriously, Most of them are all about power and money.

In 1979, Isaac Asimov wrote this fact:

“From all levels of government, federal , state, and local, Americans get 150,000 new laws and 2 million new regulations every year.”

Just imagine how these figures have grown? I don’t want to know, I might get so mad I’d write a few letters to Congress and burn them in my backyard, and I would be arrested for the smoke.

And real question is: If we are not a republic anymore, then what are we really?


April 14, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Nobody Reads: Disparate Impact Thinking is Destroying our Civilization.

Nobody Reads

Every so often I get a short news flyer from Hillsdale College. This week’s issue was written by Heather MacDonald, and titled “Disparate Impact Thinking Is Destroying Our Civilization.”

She boldly addresses what the ‘diversity’ orders infiltrating ALL our institutions is doing.

So, I will reprint a few of her comments here:


“Many thought that STEM, the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics would escape the diversity sledgehammer. They were wrong. The American Medical Association today insists that medicine is characterized by white supremacy. Nature magazine declares that science manifests on of “humankind’s worst excesses” racism. The Smithsonian Institution announces that “emphasis on the scientific method” and an interest in “cause an effect relationship” are part of totalitarian whiteness.”

“The American Mathematical Association declares math to be racist.”


The American Bar Association, using its influence, to make sure the tests scores are lowered so as to allow the blacks to get in.

We have watched stores all across the country close down, and let the looters take whatever they want because of the ‘unfairness’ to blacks.

“Only three percent of black high school seniors were college ready in 2023”

And this woke culture will surely destroy what has been given to the world, by the white cultures. China will certainly lead the future if this keeps up. They don’t have this silliness.

We all know this. Even the blacks know this.

How did we get there? The progressives, something Hillary Clinton has claimed to proudly be.

LBJ…once said he would give welfare to the blacks and they would vote democratic forever. He was right. Little did they figure out, that LBJ was handing them a horrible education, and a slave sentence. But they voted for democrats every time.

Biden is doing the same now for illegal immigrants. Handing out everything they need to survive. Except, they too will become slaves. But they think the illegals will vote (and many states will give them that right) for democrats.

It’s how they figure they will stay in power forever.

But…and they are working on this—they must destroy the WHITE population to get this NEW slavocracy trenched in for all time, rules by a few white elites at the top.

Heather also said “As long as racism remains the only allowable explanation for racial disparities, the left wins, and our civilization will continue to crumble.”

Elon Musk even called DEI, Evil. And it’s not just lawyers, doctors, education, it’s also..well, the airlines.

April 13, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment

Nobody Flashes: A Joyous Day for Freedom!

When these two giant freedom fighters get together, it’s almost breathtaking to know that these men, these two incredible men, got together on Thurday to promoter Free markets and FREEDOM!

Javier Milei shouted “Long live freedom, damn it!
To which Musk added, “To an exciting and inspiring future!”

Javier admits to using X for 2 to 3 hours a day, something that will be noticed I’m sure in Brazil.

In any event, let’s hope more leaders join the fight…because we need all we can get…in the meantime, I thought this was truly a day to remember. Watch out world. These guys alone are powerful.

Joined in the fight? Well, Musk knows better than anyone in the world, how to launch big rockets.

Now, he has MORE energy…and we can all be excited about the pair meeting, because Argintina has a LOT of lithium…needed for electric car batteries.

Let’s cheer them on, and MAYBE…the inspiration for free markets and freedom will start to blaze, because of these two freedom fighters. I don’t know about you, but I’m happy.

Glorious day, for us all.

April 12, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Are Demorats Going to Use Abortion to WIN the Election?

Nobody Knows

Of course they are. They have taken President Trump off ALL the medica, tried to destroy his empire, take his properties…to KEEP him from making video’s like this. (see below)

Yes, destroy the ecomomy and all those single young women who have to choose between getting a new cellphone or getting a abortion will run out and vote to have the right TO that abortion.

Even young married couples can’t aford a home, or new cars, let alone a kid. No, they just get dogs. And dress them up in clothes to put on Youtube.

It’s sad. But kids? How much does it cost to raise a child until he’s 18? With this economy?

They won’t tell you, but even our uneducated kids don’t want the expense.

So, destroying the economy is one way to get re- elected. Are you pregnant? Biden tells you, he will make SURE your life isn’t destroyed by trying to scrape by forever, and you can’t find Trump’s rebuttel anywhere on the TV cable shows.

Besides, he’s in court every other day. We are being run by communists.

I’ve been saying for so long now: They destroyed marriage, the chruch, and made sure all the black single mothers got PAID to reproduce, and the white young girls can’t find husbands, and the cost of raising a child NOW in THIS HORRIBLE economy?

To me it looks a lot like a planned white genocide.

And now they are bringing in millions of illegals to make up for the dying white race.

It’s pretty obvious, although, they won’t talk it.

So, in the word’s of some fool democrat who was advising Bill Clinton:

“Its the economy stupid.”

That’s the abortion issue. Destroy the economy, and the women will vote for democrats.

And the republicans BETTER start talking about it, or THEY will lose thier seats.

President Trump…God bless him…if only he could get more exposure like he did in 2016. He just keep trying for us all.

Now, they control all the media but X and a few stations on Pluto.

God help us. LOTS of babies are going to be killed.

Please, listen to reason, and tell your daughters that THEY are being conned.

April 10, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Nobody’s Fool: Jordan Peterson explains ADHD

This is a great insite into just how many people have ADHD.

I was telling a friend today, that when I was young, my mother bought this toy plastic clock that taught you how to tell time. I was about five. I HATED that toy. She made me sit every day to learn it, but I knew that this was bascially a CONTROL lesson, and there was no way that I was going to have MY time controlled by any clock. And I knew she would use it to do just that.

I did not actually learn how to read a watch until I was a freshman in college. As Jordan says, they controlled all of us through bells. You didn’t have to know a thing about time except you couldn’t WAIT to get out of the school.

Years late, my doctor put me on Ritalin he said to “Help me with all my racing thoughts.” It was a form of speed…and I took it for years, in fact, when I got pregant I asked my doctor what the drug would do to the baby, and he said, “We don’t know.”

My son was born at 6 months premature, and while he was in his incubator at Children’s Hospital downtown, I asked him why my baby was shaking?

He said, “We think he’s coming off the Ritalin.”

The next day, I went cold turkey. Never took another pill.

My son has been diagnosed with ADHD.

And now he’s on some kinds of drugs.

The thing is: It’s not normal for kids to sit in a classroom all day and ‘obey’ and ‘memorzie’ when they want to be playing.

Elon Musk has started schools that I wish every child could go to. Google his schools, you will wish your kids could go there too.

Yes, once again, Jordan Peterson’s great truth comes out to help us all.

Even if it’s too late for me, it’s not for you or your kids.

Don’t let them put your kids on drugs to ‘calm’ them down.

Let the kids, be kids.

April 9, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 1 Comment

Nobody’s Fool: Elon wins the Nobody’s Fool Award AGAIN.

Everybody should watch this. If you were bored in school, like I was, then Elon does a great job of explaining just how stupid our eductional system is right now.

The most relanvent point was they make you take subjects that you may hate know you will NEVER use, and they don’t tell you what the purpose is of learning what you are memorizing is.

It’s boring. It’s not fun. And its meaningless. Basically, most schools are just babysitters, and the good teachers are hard to find.

Anyway, it’s a great video...don’t miss it.

April 8, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Play-Do Dred Locks!

Nobody Wonders

A new TV commercial came on tonight that I had never seen: Play-Doh.

Now, the very young girls can start designing dred-locks as soon as they can!

With all different colors!

Of course, they will say the white girls will want them too..look, it’s a white girl with dred-locks.

We’ve all seen the new fashion on everybody from old white ladies to black women with died purple and red dred-locks! But what if some day, you don’t have this fashion, but keep your normal hair, will you be ostracized by the masses?


Since everybody knows that the best lessons that stick with you is when your brain is being formed between birth and 5, I can just imagine in the future…

Will the White blond still be the desired hair color? Or will it be considered, racist?

Something tell me, Play-Doh has a hit!

And the market for hair die will triple.

Nobody Wonders…will anybody in the future have the REAL color of their hair?

Nobody Knows.

April 7, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment

True Love Stories

Nobody Remembers….

Do you remember the first true love of your life? I was thinking about this today…I remember a year before my mother died, she made a request to me…would I find out where Herbert was? He was her first true love. Her first husband. All those years with my father 40 years of marriage, and she never mentioned him once. Although, I did see some old photographs of him in his uniform with a lovely signature: To Janet, my love always, it said.

They were married…very young, and then the war broke out.

My father had been dead for over 40 years, so I was struck by the news, and the desperation she was in to find him. She never told me about him, but I could tell, she had loved him more than my father just by the way she mentioned his name. Like the old lady on the Titanic, Rose, she remembered, and never told a soul, until me, her daughter, until that night.

As she laid in her bed, wearing her flowered printed nightgown, holding her cup of ice, she told me the story of how Herbert had been injured in the Pacific where he served on a ship in WWII.  He was in a hospital bed in California, and she was only 18, but she booked a train ticket to travel from St. Louis to San Franscisco where he was laid up. She told me how frightened she was. She was just a bit of a girl, only 4 feet 5 inches. Some of the soldiers were rather…rude.

It must have been scary for a young woman to travel all that way alone by train, but women have done much the same in history. John Quincy Adams wife, Louisa, traveled alone through Russia to get to her beloved during the winter, in a carriage. That’s a LONG trip, and back then for an English woman traveling alone, very dangerous.

Love will make you do that.

When she got there, a priest came out and took her aside before she went into the room.

“Whatever you do” he told her. “Do NOT give him a divorce. Don’t do it. He will push you, but don’t do it.” Mom told me the priest begged her not to do it.  “No matter what he says.” The Priest was firm. And adamant.

When she went inside, her beloved told her he wanted a divorce, go home. Never see him again. He must have been very cruel.

She cried and cried, and refused to leave, but what she didn’t know, is that HER father had somehow called Herbert and convinced him to force her to divorce him. For some reason, maybe because of whatever injury he suffered, he thought, because he loved her, that it was the best thing to do for her.

My grandfather wanted MY mother to take care of him in his old age. At least that’s what my mother told me when she was 77. He was the real cause of the breakup.

So, to my surprise, I found Herbert. He had a farm in Southern Missouri, with a wife and seven grown children. He was still alive!

I left a message, but he never called back. I could tell, my mother was pretty sad about it.

True love. Sad ending. Most people have it as their first love.

In my case, I had a simple crush on a Priest’s son named Christopher in grade school. We were both five. In fact, the middle name I gave my only son was Christopher.

He hates it. (LOL)

We held hands in the auditorium during Christmas movies. He gave me a ring. I would look at it for hours. Back then, the teachers thought it was cute. Now? It would be considered some sort of crime. We sat there happy as little turtle doves. I felt so special, and surely God was blessing me. It was wonderful.

My husband that I am married to now, his first true love was his first wife. He joined the Navy Seals and when he was in Panama, she got together (had sex) with his best friend in Virginia Beach. This was when she had a small baby daughter in the next room by her husband who was away.

The devastation he felt was unbearable. His best friend, the wife he loved.

How did I know she was his first love? A wife knows these things. She was beautiful, young, and when we ran into her one day by chance. He fell completely apart.

You don’t do that…if you’re not still in love.

I was older, and got married, he used to come hear me sing in a hotel. He was looking for a way to take his daughter away from her, and I had a son, a house to live in, and the judge looked at me, gave us custody of his daughter, and said to ME…”Good luck.”

But the judge knew…he had seen this before.

We have been married now for 31 years.

But was he my true love? I ask myself now.

Was it mostly sex?

And what does true love feel like?

How do you know?

I will tell you…when you feel true love, you see their face everywhere. You think of them every minute…you cry, you laugh, and the most joyful part of your day is when you are near them. You hope, you plan, your dream…You only want the best for them, and if that would mean giving them up, then so be it. Your heart aches when you are not with them.

Herbert must have loved my mother very much. BUT he should have NEVER listened to her father. He should have told him to go to hell.

Of course, I would not be alive to write this, so..there’s that. But I would not have been born either, and I am now, only finding my real true love not too much younger than my mother when she remembered her husband.

And I met him online.

Life is cruel, but…

Sometimes, true love, means loving yourself enough to feel you are worthy of the true love that comes to you.

Grab hold of it with all your heart. Because…you only live once, and true love only comes once.

Am I right?

I hope you have experienced true love in your life, and even if my true love, never wants me, does a Herbert someday, at least I can say, I experienced the thrill of what it feels like to REALLY love so deeply another human being. And we did nothing wrong.

It’s written in the stars…some things are just meant to be.

Love is the answer. If you find it, grab it…and never let it go.

Or you’ll end up like my mother, lying in your bed late at night, with sadness you will carry to your grave.

By the way, I’ve told my husband, and he thinks…it’s just a silly…true love?

To him, it’s like a cold. It will pass.

(Now, If only I had a diamond necklace…I really don’t think I would throw it away. LOL)

April 5, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

Nobody Wonders: What’s a Young Girl to Do?

Stressed out..

Nobody’s Opinions

To my readers: I haven’t been following the news lately…but I thought I’d just give a few opinions about whatever…here it goes.

NOBODY’S OPINION: I never thought I’d get to this point, but I really don’t even want to turn on the news anymore. It’s never good. And it’s ALWAYS controlled. Not much truth anymore in anything.

For instance…today I was watching Glenn Beck Show. Now I like Glenn Beck. But he put up some video’s made by young girls (One of them above) who were complaining about having to work. And no matter how hard they worked; they could not pay the bills, or have time to do anything.

Welcome to your parent’s life sweetheart.

Glenn made some good points: parents have spoiled their kids. (Correct) The ones that went to college just goofed around. (correct) In high school during covid or college they didn’t even have to leave their house. (correct) Mom and Dad gave them everything they needed. (yep)

This is all true, and most all of these pundits ALWAYS talk about how they worked their way up the latter and it was hard…yeah…but the United States was a different country when they did this.

They leave that part out.

Now, most of the girls he posted were young, not married and couldn’t afford to live. When Glenn was working you could get a happy meal for a few bucks. The restaurants were open, and fast food really WAS a steppingstone to kids.

Not anymore. McDonalds for two costs as much as your local Italian restarant, which have NOW doubled prices, and they are empty most of the time.

Free money has been handed out to all the “non-whites” and they are driving SUV’s and getting free food and free housing, and free whatever they need.

And it’s not just the blacks, whites too.

If they DON’T have a job that makes much, they can get child support and food support from the government. I personally know a young white couple who get all their bills paid, because the father makes only $30,000 a year, and he doesn’t want to make anymore. The wife has gone back to school (thank you taxpayer) and they are doing very well. They have two kids and the government is paying for their Kindercare. Even though the mother is home most of the time.

On the other hand,…remember these girls are NOT married. They are single, and so that’s the abortion market. And that’s big money.

What I’m pointing at is that this inflation and destruction of the family is right from the communist notebook.

Get them all dependent on the state.

Elon Musk says that someday, when A.I. and robots take all the jobs, there will be plenty for everyone. And by that time, most people really won’t care.

But…you will never be able to get to HIS wealth. No…by then the latter will be pulled up only for the few. And there will be a problem.

Men WANT to create. And make money off their creations. It’s human nature.

Anyway, sometimes I think the really smart people that have made it miss the point. If those girls got married and had children to care for, and a husband to help out, they might grow up faster.

Same with the men.

The economy is being rigged to produce uneducated, workers that really have no future unless they have a high ambition. And they are told: They deserve to NOT work. They are being programmed not to work.

Look at the illegals demanding food, jobs, houseing….they know it’s all free. They are tired of working and making no money in their own countries.

Sigh. That is why I have stopped listening to the news. The politicians complain. But nothing gets done.

I’m sure, I’ll get back to it, but…bear with me for now. Okay? Right now, I might as well be on Mars.

April 4, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Live in Michigan? My Condolences.

April 3, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Do NOT be Alone on Easter.

Nobody Opinion


This was the first Easter since I’ve had a blog, that I didn’t wish everyone a Happy Easter.

Please forgive me. I hope everyone had lots of joy, and grandkids, and children, hiding eggs all day.

It was almost 80 here today, finally spring. The flowers are already blooming. My crabapple tree is in full bloom. But my trouble started on Friday night, continued into Saturday night, and all through the Easter day.

Let’s just say I was in too dark a mood to write.

So, how about a few random thoughts of news of today….because I’m still having trouble snapping out of it.


About that bridge collapse. Who knows what really happened, but it’s a first in history. And since Baltimore IS the port where all the cars come in, how convenient it is to destroy the bridge, which will affect car sales won’t it? Who will benefit from this? China, who want Elon Musk’s cars to be stopped here in the U.S? John Kerry? And so now the United States will bail out Baltimore and all its citizens?

Will illegals get the jobs to repair that bridge? And why didn’t the insurance pay for it?

To me it looks like one more knock to tear down the America economy. Bit by bit by bit.


I watched Rosanne Barr today, being interviewed by Tucker Carlson. I didn’t realize she was such a brave and deep thinker. And not afraid. She wants to save America. And she was so much fun to listen to. A Jew, who believes in her God. If you get a chance to watch that interview, you will be amazed at the woman.


Just how ignorant and uneducated our government workers are. Surely, bringing diversity into the workforce will make all our lives less safe. As in medicine, air travel, and the running of all the major institutions that once only hired the best. Like the CIA, the FBI. And let’s not forget, the democratic Congress is full of the most uneducated, and unethical bunch of morons that has ever walked the halls of Congress. Do we trust any of them? I don’t.


They are pushing abortion pill here in the city of St. Louis, to make sure all the young girls can destroy their babies. As Elon Musk has pointed out, this will not end well.


Remember your holidays with your kids. I remember when my son was about 6, I had to hide Easter eggs ALL DAY LONG in the house. He would hide them, then I would. The game got old after half the day, but the memory of how much fun he had…you can’t take that away. So cherish these memories when their babies, and see joy that comes with the simple things. Don’t let them play video games all day. They can do that anytime.

Here’s another memory…my mother always wanted to boil eggs and paint them JUST WITH ME, every Easter. I thought it was silly…here she is 78. She died that year. I have this picture on my desk.

Always love your mom. Mother’s Day is coming up…don’t forget her. Mothers deserve all our love.

So, I’m off, hopefully, you all had a great Easter!

And hopefull, this dark mood will go away.

All suggestions welcomed.

March 31, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

And so…It Begins

Christians all over the world unite in quiet contemplation of Christ upon the cross and the many crosses millions bear in THEIR lives around the world, and they will find strenght, in the ressurection of Jesus and his life. God be with us all on this holy weekend of worship.

March 29, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

The Land of Wal-Marts

Nobody Wins

I stopped the car. I was in the Wal-Mart Parking lot, looking for a parking space. She came out of the main door, pushing the walker in front of her…gray dirty hair, floating like thin spaghetti down past her shoulder. Mixed with white, to match her white skin. Every step was a struggle, as she pushed then stepped across my path. My heart went out to her.  It took her quite a while to get across.

How many times have I seen the old, walking with pain, but having to shop by themselves. No one to help them. And mostly at Wal-Mart. Yes, mostly alone.

I’m not a big fan of Wal Mart. I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh for years, and he always praised Wal-Mart. How it was great for America. If you read the stories online, at the time, you’d think, really? Town after Town, Wal-Mart came in by giving money to the local politicians, and the surrounding grocery stores and hardware stores, moved out. But Rush was Bush’s great buddy. He was the voice of the GOP, and the Bush’s always gave him a birthday cake, and Rush, got very rich.

Until the Clintons.

When Trump became President, suddenly Rush got wiser, but by then, the landscapes all over America had turned in back-to-back Wal-Marts, dollar Stores, and chain retails.

Now, those are disappearing. The Dollar Store is not the $7 dollar store.

As I was leaving Wal-Mart, a black lady in a very expensive wheel chair stopped me and asked me for my receipt. I had so much on my mind, I just stuffed it in my purse.

You don’t want to go into my purse. It’s like a Chinse puzzle box. Try as you might, you won’t find what you are looking for.

“I’m sorry, I can’t find it.” I told her. “Call the manager.”

She didn’t want to do that. WHY? Probably because the manager would be mad.

“NO, really, call the manager.”

I don’t think anybody had said that to her before.

There was another black lady who worked there and asked what was wrong.

She told to go on.

I’m there every week, not because I want to be there, but because I can’t find what I need online, and that’s a whole other story. Online shopping.

Some people love it. I hate it.

In fact, it makes me feel old.

I want to TOUCH the merchandize…try it on, smell it. I’m the same way with people.

I want to touch the person, look into their eyes when talking.

Now, everybody video chats, and you can make yourself look like your 16 again.

Elon Musk was warning recently in many talks, that the people of the Western world will collapse if people didn’t have more children.

The old are everywhere, wondering if they can afford to eat out anymore.

Sure, things were worse in history. But things were BETTER 20 years ago, during Ronald Reagan’s presidency.

America, was booming.

No longer.

China will be the new superpower. Even Elon Musk will tell you that.

Our politicians sacrificed our lives, our country, and our cultures to make themselves rich.

The democrats will run on a right to choose, because the men aren’t getting married, and the woman cannot afford babies. People are replacing babies with dogs and cats.

It’s that simple.

As I watched the poor lady walking across in front of me I thought to myself, that I’d better, no matter what, keep exercising every day.

I know this is a pessimistic way to look at things, but damn it…it took us years to get to this point. And it was done so very slowly. The news always put on a good face, WE ARE THE SAME!

Empires die. We are dying…slowly.  And Wal-Mart will die too someday. I don’t know how anyone can ignore it.

God help us all…let’s hope, they keep the slow pace going… don’t start any more wars. Let’s hope they let all the Americans survive peacefully.

While they replace us with younger, can cheaper workers from around the world.

We deserve at least that.

March 28, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment