Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Obama is no JFK

Nobody’s Opinion

While everyone is fretting about masks on clowns, and Oprah Winfrey’s delicate ego, Nobody Asks: HEY…What happened with North Korea? Did Kim Jong-un find another hobby? Where IS the little cheeky chipmunk? Wasn’t he going to nuke the United States not too long ago?

Gee…Obama acted as if he was a flea making noise, and he treats Putin the same way. I don’t know about you, but ever since Einstein wrote that letter to FDR saying something like,  “Yes, this could destroy the whole world.” I think our President should quit talking about the “middle class,” which as everybody knows, is somewhere in the Magic Kingdom stuck on the Dumbo ride—- and start taking his job seriously…you know— the part where he promises to ‘protect and defend’ us?  Did he miss that part?

(I hope you know me well enough to know I’m joking. Or…am I?)Bagdad Bob

I’m aging myself here, but I remember the Cuban Missile Crisis. I was only a kid, but I do remember asking my dad why he was digging a big hole in our back yard in Naples, Florida, one Sunday afternoon in broad daylight.

As I remember, he didn’t sugarcoat it:

“We might get hit by a bomb in a few days, and we’ll be safe in this hole.” he said.

“Will that bomb kill us?”

“Yes. But, I think we’ll be safe in the hole. Go get some canned beans from mom. “

That was the ‘greatest generation.” My dad had seen what war does, (He had been a Seabee in the Pacific)  and they didn’t believe hiding the truth from their kids. Eisenhower was a great man according to my parents, and this new John Kennedy kid, well…he was just a pretty face as far as they were concerned, and didn’t know what the heck he was doing. They didn’t really think he would keep us from being attacked. They had absolutely no confidence in him, whatsoever.

And here I am, too many years later, and I find myself having the same mistrust on THIS President, whom to me…also got elected on his pretty face, but unfortunately for us, is ten-fold more clueless than JFK.  JFK, you could very well say, was a patriot and loved this country: Obama…does not.Obama destroyer

America is just as vulnerable now from nuclear attack as it has ever been..and with each new President many of us ask ourselves, “Will THIS one be the one who will refuse to let go of power?”

After all, all any of them is a good crisis as an excuse–to hang on.

Here’s a few facts from Dinesh D’Souza’s excellent book: Obama’s America, about Obama’s destructive disarmament of our country, and I include some remarks underneath:

Dinesh: In 2009 when Obama took office, the US had approximately 5,000 nuclear warheads in its arsenal. Obama resolutely set about slashing that number. In 2011, Obama negotiated an arms reduction treaty with Russia, the so called START treaty, in which both countries agreed to reduce their warhead count to 1,5550. America and Russian also limited their launchers to 700. In convincing the US Senate to support the treaty, Obama promises to modernize America’s existing nuclear assets a promise he subsequently abandoned. Obama & Putin 2

Nobody:  Recently it was reported that our nuclear facilities were ‘dangerously” vulnerable to attack–due to failing recent mock security tests—- and leaving many places like the Bay Area and Denver vulnerable to a detonation that would “dwarf” the impacts of Chernobyl. If we are attacked–Obama will be playing cards with Reggie Love on Air Force One.

Dinesh: Some of the provision of the treaty were downright odd: the limit on 700 launchers imposed not restrictions o Russia, since Russian already had fewer than 700 launchers. Once START was ratified and became law. He has asked the Pentagon to study reducing America’s nuclear deterrent by up to 80 percent, which would bring us down to around 300 strategic warheads. All of this is occurring at a time when other nuclear armed nations like China are expanding and modernizing their arsenals. Never before in history has a global superpower disarmed itself so rapidly and so thoroughly. Kim Jong two

Nobody: Typical of Obama. While he hurts his own country at home, he is now helping Saudi Arabia develop nuclear energy.  Much as Clinton helped North Korea developed their  nuclear energy and we know how that turned out.  Democrats just LOVE to help other countries  come up to par in a nuclear world…and why is that again?

Dinesh: America can strike back, but China and Russia have an additional 150 warheads each with which they can level every major American city. The point is that America is not deterred from striking back, because it fears a completely devastation second strike that would basically end America as we know it. These are war games that the Pentagon has played since the dawn of the nuclear age.

Nobody: Oh…peachy. Can we put that reset button on Obama’s head?

Dinesh ;Early in this presidency Obama cut back on missile defense systems in Alaska and California. Obama canceled an anti missile system planned for Poland as well as a missile detection radar system planed for the Czech Republic.

Nobody: I bet Polish people can wear Obama masks!

Dinesh: We can no longer fight two wars on two different shores.  In 2009, Obama ordered $330 billion in defense cuts. The next year he convinced Defense Secretary Robert Gates to pare an additional $100 billion. In 2011 Obama chopped an additional $487 billion from the Pentagon, thus bringing his total cuts to nearly a trillion dollars. Obama & Nukes

Nobody: But he has increased drones, and you’d better not touch his daughters.

Dinesh: While the defense department is being cut to the bone, other programs like health care and green technologies are bloated with money. Obama shows no evident interest in reducing overall spending only in reducing military spending.

Nobody: I don’t think Obama has been to Bora Bora yet.

Dinesh: Obama’s hope, is that fear will keep America humble. Call it humility through vulnerability. And in this way Obama hopes that America will stop acting like the evil empires.

And that’s the point of his book: Obama believes that America HAS been the evil empire…and the reason that he admires the Muslim Brotherhood, says Dinesh, is not because he is a Muslim himself,  but because he sees them as freedom fighters against the big, bad, and mean America. He disarms us…invites us to be attack. And yet…Congress does nothing.

I don’t know what to think: But it seems clear to me this country has never been more vulnerable to attack then we are with Obama.  No NSA agent is going to find out who sent the nuke by monitoring Verizon Wireless. Telephones are a poor substitute for a strong military.Kris 2

One thing I do know….If there was another nuclear crisis–unlike JFK, who got on TV and warned us all—-Obama would be hiding somewhere over the rainbow, playing golf in the Bahamas,  and we’d be the LAST ones to know….exactly what happened.

But…just in case you don’t have a dad like I did…somebody ESLE has made lots of TV series teaching us all about how to survive a nuclear attack, or just about anything.  Aren’t they sweet?

You gotta love America. 🙂

August 18, 2013 - Posted by | American History, Barack Obama, Drones, History, Military, Presidents, Terror Attack, Uncategorized, War | , , , , ,


  1. The sentiment shines through, Joyanna, but some arithmetic is needed.

    One wonders just how many nuclear weapons America needs. And if ‘need’ is the appropriate word for America one could argue that everyone else has the same ‘need’. And if American politicians think that 300 or 500 or 1000+ are ‘appropriate’ for America, how many should Botswana have? Or Tonga?

    Should semi-independent States like Tasmania (we are as independent in our Federation as West Virginia is in yours, and about the same size) have its own modest nuclear arsenal? If America has 15500 I reckon that means 310 per United State. Even with a nod to modest ambition and even more modest levels of paranoia, Tasmania should have around 100 at that rate.

    Reducing the amount spent on America’s armed forces might go a little way to stimulating other parts of the American national overkill in Departments of This and That to reduce theirs too and I reckon you and even I might just be a little better off all round.

    The last great world empire (yes, mine) used to get by in the ‘domination’ game with the ‘Two Navy Dictum’. It was a rough and ready measure of Might (and of course, ‘Right’). By that measure the British maintained dominion over one quarter of the world simply by having a Navy that was as powerful as the next two biggest navies combined. America has Navy, Army, Marines, Air Force and even a ‘space corps’ that is three times bigger and more powerful the rest of the WORLD combined. A tad over-doing it I should think. And the cost is of course far more than three times the rest because, of course, America has to have this year’s best and be able to buy the next incremental improvement next year.

    Smaller sized nuclear bombs for bigger bangs for almost totally devalued bucks. I wonder if my pension can run to just one, personal nuke or do I have to be content with a North Korean one with my name written on it.



    Comment by Amfortas | August 19, 2013 | Reply

    • Amfortas, I’m following links from Joyanna’s posts and found myself here (yes, 2 years behind the times as I just found her blog recently). To be honest, I’m surprised Joyanna didn’t respond to you. But I want to point out that that 15500 number you slightly misread from Joyanna’s misprint of 1,5550 makes no sense in light of the sentence before it:

      “Dinesh: In 2009 when Obama took office, the US had approximately 5,000 nuclear warheads in its arsenal. Obama resolutely set about slashing that number. In 2011, Obama negotiated an arms reduction treaty with Russia, the so called START treaty, in which both countries agreed to reduce their warhead count to 1,5550.”

      15,500 is NOT a reduction from 5000. My guess is that it was supposed to read 1,555 or perhaps 1,550 (in light of the comma that Joyanna placed after the 1). So your other math would then be incorrect. 😉 I believe, like Ronald Reagan did, that we have “Peace through Strength.” Of course this assumed that we had trustworthy leaders in office… which we all now know that we do NOT. I fear for my country and especially for my children and grandchildren. At this point, I try to keep informed, vote my conscience, and pray for the Lord’s grace to get us all through each day.

      Good day to you ~ Mrs. O


      Comment by Mrs. O | August 11, 2015 | Reply

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