Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody’s Perfect: Drug Lord VS Obama

Nobody’s Perfect

If we hadn’t had the arrival of the Pope landing his big plane in our major cities last week, or the fun at the U.N., or the excitement of John Bonehead resigning, we might have missed, the fact that some drug lord, dropped a very precious package.

Which happens all the time I’m sure, but THIS time, it was from his plane:Bag of grass

Maya Donnelly awoke to what sounded like thunder in the early morning hours, but dismissed it as a typical monsoon storm and went back to sleep.

Later that morning, she looked in the carport at her home in Nogales, near the U.S.-Mexico border, and saw pieces of wood on the ground. She found a bulky bundle wrapped in black plastic.

Inside was roughly 26 pounds of marijuana — a package that authorities say was worth $10,000 and likely was dropped there accidentally by a drug smugglers aircraft.

I LOVE it when 26 pounds of anything fall on MY house, don’t you? I bet if it was 26 pounds of 100 dollar bills, Maya would be LIVING in The Cayman Islands right now. And just HOW does a big package of marijuana ‘fall’ out of a plane. Nobody wants to know if Maya Donnelly has a teenager in the house.

I’m just thankful it wasn’t a “Jose”, or a global warming scientist. That would have pushed even the Pope off the front page for at least an hour.

Another big drop on the old “WTF” just hit me noggin, was the fact that Obama used his great Kingly power to…surprise us again.

No, it wasn’t the fact that he was thinking about going to Hawaii for another vacation, even better…he’s closing down our last American owned Uranium facility.Power plants two

The Obama administration plans to close the last remaining American-owned uranium enrichment facility in the United States, even as it moves forward on a controversial nuclear deal with Iran that permits the Islamic Republic to conduct ongoing and significant uranium enrichment.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has informed Centrus Energy it will end the American Centrifuge project in Piketon, Ohio, on Sept. 30. Notices have been issued to some 235 workers that their jobs are in jeopardy.

A Centrus Energy fact sheet warns that cuts in U.S. enrichment capability are “potentially causing” U.S. nuclear plants to become dependent on foreign fuel sources. U.S. enriched uranium also plays an important role in powering U.S. Navy submarines and aircraft carriers.

Well, heck. We STILL mine uranium here in the States—-but— Hillary gave Putin control of it. The Russians will now charge us triple the price for the stuff..and if we need uranium, we’ll have to buy it from Putin. Maybe if we’re good, he’ll let us take a few ounces to the space station.

So, who wins the Nobody’s Perfect Award for the week?

Was it the drug lord whose 26 pound bag of marijuana dropped on a dog house? (Good thing the dog wasn’t in it.)

Or was it Obama, who just made sure that the rest of the world could nuke us, and we would…use our diplomatic, but very convincing “friendly wave” to the nation who attacks us, as a gesture of good will and Obama’s newfound love of… ‘collectiveness’?

You decide. I have a pretzel to eat.




September 28, 2015 Posted by | Obama, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Just Another Politically Incorrect Comedian

Nobody Flashes

How about some politically incorrect humor today?

Jeff Dunham, so far as we know, is not on any list.

Or is he?


(Thanks Kim )

September 28, 2015 Posted by | humor | | 1 Comment

Dirty Barn Members.. Get Rid of John Bonehead!

Nobody’s Opinion 

Let’s start our weekend on a great note, shall we? Ted Cruz’s heroic stance against Obamacare has finally come to some kind of fruition. YEAH TED!  Ted, has never stopped attacking the corrupt leaders of the House. He has led those “dirty and RADICAL right-wing conservatives” across the nation into seeing, the main problem with the Republican Party, and for that, he got called a “Jackass” by John Bonehead on his way out.

Ted…be proud.

Yes…John Boehner, as you heard in the above video, plans to ‘clean out the dirty barn.”J b 2

Whoa. If the barn was dirty in the first place, it’s only because of the biggest shitter in the house has been crapping up the barn so long, SOMEBODY had to call in the aerosol.

So, all you people out there who voted to put in the men to STOP Obamacare, you are now…named…dirty. Radicals.

Asked if the tea party wing was being unrealistic in its expectations, Boehner emphatically replied, “Absolutely, they’re not realistic!” Our system of government is not about Hail Mary passes,” Boehner said. “It’s the Woody Hayes school of football: three yards and a cloud of dust, three yards and a cloud of dust. It’s a slow methodical process.”

According to John Bonehead, it takes maybe a century or more to effect “change”  even though Obama did it on his first day.  What if our President was Hitler, and he ordered all newborn females to be gassed? And what if they didn’t have the votes to overturn his veto,—John Boehner would insist that “these things take time.”

Saving little babies from being cut up and sold to the highest bidder is going to get a ‘committee’ from John. (Right.)

So, what happened behind closed doors that made the Speaker quit, right in the middle of the great Pope orgy? It seems…it’s desperate times for the GOP.  245 days of talking about the Pope and his greenhouse little mini mouse van should keep everyone NOT thinking about the election.  Our President, with the help of John Boehner, just shoved down the American throat: climate change, higher taxes, and the flooding of millions of immigrants with a no borders world. I’m sure it only fueled the fires of those dirty American jackasses out there who want to get back at him.

Besides, John wanted to make himself look like a “holy, innocent, good man.” who the Pope thought so much of, he asked “HIM” to pray for him, so he is repeating that story everywhere. Jb 4

What’s next to distract us from giving airtime to those dirty animals…Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, or Ben Carson? Jeb Bush?

Jeb Bush came out on FOX to tell the world that those polls that show he’s still losing big time in the race, really don’t matter at all. Once American sees how his plans will work to take the country to a better place, they’ll vote for him. He’s SURE of it. And I can’t tell you what else he said because..I fell asleep.

He does that to me…something about those catatonic eye glasses, that makes me think of the last guy who was trying to sell me funeral insurance in my living room.

What’s next to distract us from giving airtime to those dirty animals…Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson?

How about…a visit from aliens? That might take up at least six months. They could even have the Pope meet them at the United Nations, and make them global citizens. The aliens might even give John another good cry. And who’s not up for that?

What putz.

September 28, 2015 Posted by | Globalization, Republicans, Uncategorized | , , | 1 Comment