Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Says: Follow the Money

Nobody’s Opinion

Love, peace, unity, and tolerance have been preached by all the politicians and leftist radicals since the 1960’s, if you are over 60, you remember. What we actually have gotten from these people is: war, riots, hatred, destruction, and now, the first coup d’état in American History. —Completely ignored of course

What IS the state of our union?

Pretty crappy. Dangerous. Stressful, and for most of us, bewildering.

Every patriotic American whose is older REMEMBERS the history that was taught to them long ago, and therefore we feel like we  are living in some kind of Dante Hellhole, complete with the witchy cackles of Hillary Clinton, and the demonic faces of Schumer, Strzok, and Wray.

Which brings us to our never-ending war against President Trump and his band of deplorable Americans.

It’s called a ‘culture’ war which is really, all about…as usual, the money. Money. Those who are in power, GET the money. They’ve spent it all…and they need more, to protect themselves from being prosecuted. It’s basically that simple. And if destroying America is how THEY get their money and KEEP their money, so be it.

Even in the war between the states the Confederates loved their country, not so now. Most of the soldiers killed in the civil war fought for their homes, where they lived. Most of the soldiers did NOT own slaves. Clearly, times have changed. The white liberals fighting now…are they fighting for their homes? Their land? Do they even KNOW what they are fighting for?

Free everything?

While noble mantras come out of every liberal speech, in the end, that old mantra repeated by someone long ago, this Nobody Thinks that it usual comes down to FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Let’s look at everything from that FOLLOW THE MONEY standpoint, shall we?

The Economy: If you read the history of money, you find that the rich have gotten richer. Richer than anyone can even imagine. Greed. It’s as old as history itself. And then, Trump became President and STOPPED that elite gravy chain.

After credit cards were invented, a new world of “Investment trading” was put on steroids. The rich always get the first dib’s on the stocks…and THEY have the money to invest, without starving if they lose in the market. It’s rigged.

The banks control all the ups and downs of the market, and since the rich actually HAVE the money to invest and triple their investments, the little guy, who maybe only has a 401K, can lose it all in an instant, as in 2008, when President George W. Bush decided that the little guy would bail out the rich people who caused the disaster (ON purpose this nobody thinks) The rich got richer, America started on it’s way down. Little banks were put out of business…and now, with the virus, they get another boost! More little businesses closing leaving the big international companies in a virtual world monopoly.

The future belongs to them.

Much like Google. Apple. Microsoft. Whoever invents this vaccine will be the richest man in the universe. Bill Gates wants that title. In the meantime, while everybody is being forced to stay home, WE THE PEOPLE are buying Microsoft computers for the kids, and for ourselves SINCE we can go on lockdown at any moment.

THAT’s power. THAT’s Money. THAT’s…tyranny. And Bill Gates does it all in the name of philanthropy.

Right sure. Take me out to the ball game to forget. Wait.

There will BE no more baseball, concerts, schools, gatherings…you will not be allowed to do anything without permission soon.

Don’t worry, we’ll put your picture in the stands! For a price.

WAR & CHINA: Why did China release the virus into the world? MONEY! And who was the cash cow for China: HONG KONG! They truly are smart. Destroy the world’s economy by not letting anybody work but those BIG companies who all make their products…are you ready for it…IN CHINA!

Which is why all America’s big companies are on board…and the sports people, it’s all about the China market which means…MONEY!

You can thank Paul Ryan for China’s power. He gave them that power when he let them into the markets of the U.N. Thanks Paul. Gotta love ya.

Immigration: Basically…slave labor. Where once blacks were imported from Africa, now the rich demand their slave labor from South America. This brings all wages down in America. The past four Presidents helped send our jobs overseas And Paul Ryan sealed the golden calf for China by giving them high status.

President George W. Bush got us going with that. He signed the Open Borders treaty with Mexico and Canada, (North American Treaty) and all four of our past Presidents were on board with it. MONEY! It’s a global thing you know, and the global markets were opened to the Wal-Mart, McDonalds…etc.

And one last item: WAR. Why did George W. Bush get us into that damn war? MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! Why do we get into ANY war?

MONEY. War is money.

And what do they do when the people’s money run out and heads into a depression?

WAR! Which makes you wonder when war with China will become the new talking point.

You cannot tell me that President George W. Bush did NOT know that the war in Afghanistan would break us. It destroyed Russia. George knew it TOO. He’s not that stupid. He was downsizing us on purpose. IF he had another reason, too bad he didn’t tell us.

And then there’s the little secret NOBODY talks about: Why do so many women get abortions?
Well, besides the fact that the communist wanted to destroy the family, in order for Hillary’s communist village to take over, in the words of Gollum James Carvey….“It’s the economy, stupid.”

ABORTION: Why do so many women get abortions? Because, now that there are more single women than married couples, single women have to bear the brunt of the cost of raising a child. That means, she won’t be able to dress nice, have an iPhone, or every be able to afford child care, unless of course she marries a rich man. And marrying a rich man is more like winning the lottery. Now, it costs almost $500,000 to raise one child…at least to those women who are not on welfare. It’s not that women don’t want children, it’s the cost that’s frightening. Many students go to their death beds with student loan debt.

I’ve heard so much talk about the cost of this and that, but the politicians just give money out like it’s water, which devalues our dollar, and puts our children living in boarded up destroyed inner cities, and the rest of us watching BLM eating steak dinners, while we eat veggie burgers.

The Deep State has basically sold our country to the highest bidder.

Fauci, Gates, China, the last four Presidents…all…it’s all about the money.

They will TELL you they care.

But what they really care about is…THE MONEY.

Better save your silver and gold, and HIDE it like Jesse James did, because they will come for that too someday. They did it once before.

Can President Trump SAVE us?


Yes. With God’s intervention.

I sure hope he turns up soon. And I hope, the tea party reappears and tears off their masks, and says “deep state, GO TO HELL!”

If BLM can do it, so can we.



July 26, 2020 Posted by | American History, Angry Citizens | , , , , | Leave a comment

It Takes a Moron to Have a Job at the CDC

Nobody Flashes 

Why the CDC people did NOT go to school.

Here’s a good reason to home school, IF you can.


July 17, 2020 Posted by | Angry Citizens, education | | Leave a comment

It’s Time To Stop Confusing Us All

Nobody Reports

The country is absolute schizophrenic right now. The President says one thing, and then the media comes out and says another.

I was listening to my governor of Missouri today, Michael Parson, and he said that Missouri would open on May 5. But he wasn’t really clear on that except to say everyone could go back to work. THEN, right after he left the news announcer said that St. Louis and Kansas City, and St. Louis county, would be on lock-down…indefinitely.

Okay, WTH? Who do you believe? Does a governor have the rights over the mayors? You can work in some small town, but not in St. Louis?

Make up your mind! Who’s in control here?  And that’s problem isn’t it? New York and California will do what they want, while demanding the rest of the country pay their huge debts.

The globalists want to destroy the economy so they are doing everything they CAN to get everyone scared, and confused. They are putting their boot on the necks of the people, and the President and the American people are saying “You are killing the REST of us!


And that leads me to Zuckerface. Along with Fauci and all the democrat media who are busy claiming that you will DIE if you don’t stay home, he says that there WILL be no sports until 2021. And he has asked his employees to work from home.

Well, easy for him to say. Hope his toilet doesn’t break down.

And he also, like Hillary and Biden, wants the world too STOP blaming poor China. So, he’s going to continue to censure his FACEBOOK pages:

We’re going to start showing messages in News Feed to people who have liked, reacted or commented on harmful misinformation about COVID-19 that we have since removed. These messages will connect people to COVID-19 myths debunked by the WHO including ones we’ve removed from our platform for leading to imminent physical harm. We want to connect people who may have interacted with harmful misinformation about the virus with the truth from authoritative sources in case they see or hear these claims again off of Facebook. People will start seeing these messages in the coming weeks.

Translation: BIG Chinese/Facebook propaganda program will be rolled out soon.

I hope the American people do not fall for this. The globalists have stroke a mighty blow against the President. He can’t connect with the people at his rallies, and he is spending too much time putting Fauci and others on his daily briefings.

Get rid of them Mr. President. They’ve said ENOUGH. Let them report to you, and Pence can relay it to us if you like.

Besides, Biden said you are not leading? Well, tell everyone you are taking Biden’s advice. From now on, the people are ONLY going to hear from you and your loyal cabinet.

Let those two goes get their own show. Nobody watches CNN, and without them confusing us all, and you supporting them daily, the Americans will get more hope that YOU aren’t being defeated by the globalists.

Unless of course, you have a reason that none of us know, like keeping your enemies closer. 

In the meantime, it’s not only war with China, but with all the Chinese lovers that control all our information.

And that information is confusing. And…in the end, dangerous.

I’m hoping the American people, in May, just come out and say, Hey, we will do what we want and take our chances. Freedom. 

As long as the President can get us those pills, it’s a chance we should all take. I know I’m going to.

How about you?


April 16, 2020 Posted by | Angry Citizens, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

The Civil War: Neighbor Against Neighbor

Nobody’s Opinion

The Civil War in my little neighborhood has started. I was out sweeping up gumballs in my front yard when my neighbor lady shouted a friendly “Hi neighbor!” and I went over to talk to her and pet her dog. Her dog REALLY likes me.

She voted for Trump last election, I thought I was ‘safe’. When she asked me how I was, I told her how mad I was at Bill Gates, (I had just watched him on CNN) and I could see her fact going red.

Uh, big mistake.

So, we got into a discussion about politics. “I’m a big Trump supporter, you know that.” I said. “Bill Gates wants us to shut down the whole economy just like China did, and save lives. He says it will be painful. But we must do it. Trump wants to open it up as soon as possible. It’s just common sense.”

And then, came the explosion:

“He’s killing people! He said we shouldn’t be worried!” she screamed. Of course, she was parroting Nancy Pelosi’s latest talking points.

“His TWEETS! His tweets are like a little child!”

“Oh” I said, “Right. Like the time he called Joe Biden “Sleepy Joe?”

That pissed her off even more.

“Hey, at least former Presidents didn’t have comedians holding up his severed bloody head.” I told her.

Clearly, she missed that one. She made a “huh?” face.

“Think Kate. (not her real name.) The country is already socialistic. Our school system is socialistic. We have the lowest scores of any nation. The democrats are trying to destroy the economy and have the state take full control.”

Her face got worse with every word I spoke.

“Trump lies!” she screamed. ( I thought a heart attack might be next.)

“Okay, tell me one lie he has said.”

Of course she couldn’t.

“I can’t think of one right now.” she said while shaking all over.

I had to laugh. Which of course, pissed her off more. She was so upset at me she started pacing.

“Kate, this didn’t start with Trump. Think about it. We used to be able to go downtown St. Louis. And we USED to be able to go to Ferguson. Look around. All the shopping centers are now big government centers. Half the country works for the government. ALL the democratic cities are cesspools. When the middle class dies, there will be no more money going into the government. Your social security check will be cut in half, once the economy is gone, so goes America. Sure, you’re okay. You’re on Medicare. But think about your children, you’re grandchildren.”

Clearly, she had gone to public schools and never read a book. Or flunked math. Probably both.

Okay, she finally got so mad at me she just walked into her house.

And I was sad. I know she’s just uneducated. I know she cannot for the life of herself see the big picture. She’s on Social Security, and Medicare, still healthy, and all her kids still have their jobs.

She’s fine. She’s just so worried about Trump killing people. She’s considers herself such a good Christian, and the fact that she can’t eat her communion wafer because of this virus is really bothering her.

And that’s the problem isn’t it? People on SS or welfare are fine. She was even pissed off about the “cure.”

“They don’t know if it works yet.” She spit out.

“Well, go online. There are hundreds of videos by people who recovered with Hydroxychloroquine.”

“That’s not true.” She said. “Besides, you can’t get it.” People that need it are not getting it now.” She cried.

“So, you know they triage right?” She nodded because she had been an EMT for years.

“Okay. So, let’s say you have three patients. One has Lupus. One has arthritis, and one has the virus and will die in a couple of hours. Who should get it?”

She was silent.

I was thinking of all the poor people who might have died on the way to a hospital because of this ladies low IQ. Once she had told me that people who tried to kill themselves were only doing it to get attention.

Yeah. I won’t even touch that one.

Anyway, it ended badly.

As she was walking into her house I yelled, “Hey, would you guys still like the back massager that I just bought and I can’t use due to my bad computer chair?” I had paid $60 dollars for it, it was brand new, and was just going to give it to them. The one sister had a bad back.

“NO!” she said as she ran into her house.

And there you have it. Civil war. Just for the record, I had given them cookies, pies, Christmas cards every single year after they moved in. They gave me…nothing. Except they did start saying “hello” to me. Wow.

Sometimes, you just have to walk away.

Coming inside I thought, “How many of the Trump supporters that voted for him last time have been brainwashed by the countless and baseless attacks?”

And then, I read this…The comments alone are worth the read.

Some people. You can’t cure stupid. But you can, rememberyou are not alone.

And THAT’s what makes them so damn mad.


March 29, 2020 Posted by | Angry Citizens, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Nobody’s Perfect: IIhan Omar

Nobody’s Perfect

I must admit, I haven’t been paying much attention to this recalcitrant Moronic Muslim. She’s like the pesky fly that spoils your picnic, and you have to keep swatting her away. Thanks to President Obama, somehow she got into the United States, was given some jobs working in the political arena, then ended up in Congress to become the part of what now is known as “The Squad.” The Squad is probably an Obama egg. After all, he surrounded himself with Iranian Muslims. He gave the Iranians cash in order to buy weapons with…and John Kerry ADMITTED it.

Truly, amazing. Follow the yellow/green brick road to the top.

Trump made additional comments about The Squad: “They never have anything good to say. That’s why I say, ‘Hey if you don’t like it, let ’em leave, let ’em leave'”, and “I think in some cases they hate our country”

For that he was called a racist of course.

The Squad of crotchety women, who hate America, are here to change it. Already they’ve influenced impeachment, and some say have taken over Nancy Pelosi.

I don’t say that, some say it. Remember, it’s the Obama bunch.

Some say, that she illegally came here by marrying her brother: But hey– What do you expect?

Since 2016, Alpha News has been following a trail of evidence that suggests Omar may have married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in order to aid Elmi in obtaining U.S. citizenship. The two were married in 2009 and later divorced in 2017. While being legally married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, Omar has publicly identified Ahmed Hirsi as her cultural husband and father of her children.

Yes, sweet little Ilhan Omar not only hates America, she hates Jews.

In a 2012 tweet, she wrote, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.

And she really can’t stand Trump. Especially since he had the audacity to kill one of her favorite Generals. So, she tweeted this:

Wow. What an American! What a patriot! What an ugly Somalian. Some Iranian guy took her up on it:

In Palm Beach, FL Friday morning, an Iranian national was arrested about four miles from President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago presidential retreat.

The man, identified as Masoud Yareioeill Zoleh on his passport, was armed with several knives, a machete and a pickax. Zoleh was arrested at Bradley Park, which is on the east end of the Flagler Memorial Bridge, according to Palm Beach police spokesman Michal Ogrodnick.

Police responded to a call at around 9:30 a.m. and found Zoleh, who also had $22,000 on him and had a car parked at the Palm Beach International Airport.

Can you imagine what would have happened if a GOP woman had suggested that the Tea Party attack Obama’s house?

What’s the difference? She SHOULD be arrested for that. Encouraging our enemies to attack our President.

How does she get by with this?

As you can see from this video, she acts like a high school 14- year- old, giggling while someone is talking about our boys being killed at war. Which is fine with her.

But, she really stepped in it when she tweeted that Iranians should be attacking President Trump’s property, because that’s exactly what has happened.

THIS woman, needs to be…gone. Nobody Wonders:

Who paid this guy $22,000?

So, congratulations Illihan Ma-mo…you win the Nobody’s Perfect Award for the week. You might be perfect for Iran, but as a Congresswoman? I suggest you read history.

No matter WHAT Obama said: America has NEVER been a Muslim nation.

I suggest if you want to attack any of President Trump’s Property you have the guts to do it yourself.

I’m SURE there are a lot of secret service that would just LOVE to rearrange that hat.

January 13, 2020 Posted by | Angry Citizens, Muslims, Uncategorized | | Leave a comment

Nancy Damns The American People

Nobody Cares

Nobody seems to care about the damage that the democrats are doing to our President who was trying to make lucrative deals on the world stage. Nobody seems to care about the damage they did to America.

Right after President Trump gave his extraordinary speech at the United Nations, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House came out and announce that they were going for impeachment. They have no intention of really doing it, they just ‘act’ as if he has committed a crime, weakening his hand in any negotiations.

It left the networks full of “impeachment” instead of the great American speech.

How many “deals” at the U.N. were dropped because the democrats sabotaged President Trump’s efforts?

They did this once before: When President Trump was in China trying to work out a trade deal, the House held hearings on the Mueller report and it was on CNN all day. The only network that is broadcasted throughout the world in every airport.

The China trade deal fell through, with the help of Nadler.

How many American jobs were lost with this disgusting act of treason against the America people?

These egregious and deliberate acts against the American people being able to get jobs should be bought up during the election.

To this nobody, it’s an act of war against the people of the country. The stupid democrats, who will lose money and jobs because of this will never blame it on Pelosi.

But, it’s right there in her lap.

She could have waited a few days, but no.

President Trump is a great deal maker and they could NOT have him upsetting the New World Order. They made SURE that they tied his hands…because they hate him so.

Damn her.

Damn them all.

September 25, 2019 Posted by | Angry Citizens, Deep State | , , | Leave a comment

Scarapoochie: Making My Sam Adam’s Blood Boil.

Nobody’s Opinion

I don’t think anything has made me quite as mad as this moron, Scarapoochie…who got together with the ‘deep state’ in the last week and went on full mode attack against the American people.

He is on every channel and wants us to read his Washington Post article.

Go hiking instead.

If President Trump has made one great mistake, it was allowing this guy to get into the White House in the first place.

Somebody didn’t do a background check on this moron.

Here’s his latest attack, giving on FOX news:

“We recognize the president is a clear and present danger for the American society the American culture, there are many people inside the White House and inside the cabinet – I would ask the left, let’s create an off ramp for those people because when you’re trying to deprogram people from a cult you have to allow them to change their mind, allow them the space to change their mind,” Scaramucci said Sunday in a Fox News interview.

Watch the interview. I don’t think my Sam Adam’s blood boiled any higher than when I listened to this…scumbag. If this was 1776, I’d probably be on the “tar and feather” mob wanting to take this guy out.

How DARE he incriminated that the people that follow Trump are a “cult.”

Really? Then that cult is the American Flag, the America that saved the world, that created most of the great inventions we all now enjoy, that founded a nation on equality. That fought a civil war to correct slavery. The America where once upon a time Superman fought for the American way, not the LGBTRUGYHHE whatever.

I was looking for Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, George W. Bush, and the dead John McCain pulling the strings of this despicable man.

The REAL truth is: The American public has been systematically BRAINWAHSED by a ‘deep state’ global takeover for too many decades. For years, we have watched movies where blacks and white marry, gays marry: we are told Islam is a peaceful nation, even after the attack on 9/11. Japan attacked and we smashed them. That women can beat up hundreds of men at one time. That man is evil. That Trump shouldn’t talk to ANY nation, let alone to Russia.

Now, white Americans are being trashed as raciest. There’s not a racist bone in Trump’s body, and white people have put up with this label for years, the only proof being the democrat’s liberals…being the real raciest.

You know who was the biggest racist? President Barack Hussain Obama. What he did to our nation by trying to start race wars at every turn was truly disgusting.

And how DARE he uses George Washington. They think that conservatives are too dumb to know George Washington.
Anybody who has read any history know that George Washington would have this American traitor shot.


How DARE he brings up the ‘babies’ being ripped from their mother’s teat.

Are they TRYING to start a war?

Like I said, My Sam Adams’ blood is boiling. Go and watch the video, get good and mad, and then lets’ start the attacks on this…talk about narcissistic.

You know what? Putting all those books behind you trying to look like the scholar of history that you are NOT is a dead giveaway that you will be our prime target.

Nobody but a Prima Donna narcissist would put a gem studded American flag on his lapel.

I want to rip it off. You do NOT deserve to wear that flag. Move back to Italy. Go join the Mafia, I’m sure they will welcome you like a brother.


It doesn’t matter how handsome you THINK you are…you are just another American traitor and you can join the dying globalist and their cult to rule the world no matter what.

You say Trump lies? Sixty percent of Americans don’t like him?

Right. What you should be asking is, what percentage of the people of America buy your BS.

I’m still mad. Sorry.

August 18, 2019 Posted by | Angry Citizens, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Nobody’s Perfect: Me

Nobody’s Perfect

Sorry. If I write today I would not be able to contain myself from the desperation of the ‘deep state’ in the panic of their lives.

How else can you interpret the hysteria over President Trump tweeting if certain Congresswomen from foreign countries don’t like our borders, they should just go home?

They call him every name in the book, and yet HE is told to shut up. When you tell Trump to ‘shut up’ or tone it down, then you are telling every ‘deplorable’ that supported him to shut up, because he is saying exactly what we are feeling.

This is their last chance to grab power. If Trump is reelected, he will have no mercy on any of them, and they know it.

They are trying to get Twitter to bar him. They want to silence him. Every hour upon the hour they announce that the democrats are winning in all polls.

Please, spare us the propaganda.

They want to silence us.

Pelosi trashes him…he sticks up for her and what’s right.

Ted Cruz trashed him…Trump got him reelected.

Mitt Romney trashes him. Trump helped get him reelected.

Paul Ryan, worked against him from the start: And now, he’s written HIS version of how bad our President is.

Do they not realize, the more they attack him, the stronger he will become?

Do they honestly think most Americans are that stupid?

I think they know the answer to that, and that’s why they will continue to play race cards, gender cards, hate cards, and in the meantime they forget:

Even dogs know it’s unfair to take away one treat from one dog and give it to another.

So, I’ll shut up now. Like I said, I am not perfect, and tonight, I’m getting angry at them all.

I best shut up now.


July 15, 2019 Posted by | Angry Citizens | | Leave a comment

The Movies You See…Are Meant to ‘Nudge’ You

Nobody Wins

For those of you who read me, you probably remember that I have been complaining about the content in movies and television shows that are being filled with puking, peeing, and bathroom scenes. Things that all throughout history, most animals found to say the least: unpleasant.

Obviously, it’s some kind of social engineering, put out by those who run Hollywood, who also seem to be running hand in hand with the liberals. If you want to see the movie, you have to, do as I do, close your eyes.

But hold on…you think I’ve stop complaining? You know me. This stuff just GETS me going.

So, last week, on Netflic, we picked a Netflic original to watch called Travelers. Basically, there were three seasons of a series, and it was about people from the future coming back to the past to try to “save lives.” They would take over a body that was about to die, and ‘host’ their body. Anyway, there was no political messages at all the first two seasons. They first saved millions from a comet attack, then the second season, something more likely, but THEN at the last episode…I turned to my husband and said:

“HERE IT COMES!” And sure enough, the main character from the future said that mankind had destroyed the whole planet with climate change.

You see, what they are doing is getting the conservatives to WATCH the program, get emotionally attracted to the characters, before they hit them with the powerful politically correct message: People are destroying the planet.

Okay, so tonight we watched another movie on Netflic called, The BOX, staring Cameron Diaz. A couple gets a box, presented to them by a stranger and told that all they have to do is push a button, and a ‘stranger’ will be killed and then they will get a million dollars.

Of course, this couple is middle class, living “paycheck to paycheck” and the box looks stupid, so they push it. While entertaining enough, close to the end of the movie I turned to my husband and said.


The big liberal message was that people should sacrifice themselves for the greater good. (And if not you WILL be punished) The old communist, socialist line that the liberals like Bernie Sanders and the Pope love to repeat whenever they can.

And again: I’m thinking to myself…. doesn’t anybody else but me get pissed off at the latent social engineering going on here?

This is nothing new of course. Hollywood did the same thing with the television series ‘24’. They got conservatives everywhere hooked on the tough, honest, gun totting, Jack Bauer and THEN introduced a black man as the greatest President that ever lived or could even be imagined.

That ‘social engineering’ was so good, Americans elected their first ‘back’ President even though he had a name like Barack Hussein Obama.

That’s how good Hollywood is at doing this.

Today we were in a Menards store, talking to one of the employees, and he said he didn’t like Trump tweeting, although he liked Trump.

I pointed out to the man that he was being TOLD over and over by RINOS, and EVERYONE that Trump tweets too much and that I listened to the news all day, and tweeting really IS the only way (Besides the few stations that cover him on TV that he can get out his message)… and that they were using the old Goebbels “Repeat a lie enough, and it becomes the truth.”
but I could tell by the guy’s eyes, that he still thought Trump tweeted too much.

He works 70 hours a week, and trust me, he has NO idea what’s going on. He’s just hearing that thought being repeated by everyone. I am sure he couldn’t even tell you what Trump has tweeted.

My point is, most people don’t have the time, and when they see a movie, they don’t think what’s going on is something to worry about.

But it is. Obama and Michelle, Hillary and her daughter are going to be producing more of this crap.

Rush Limbaugh said today that Jane Fonda and Sissy Spacek came out PLEADING for the poor farmers in the Midwest.

Something tells me no midwestern farmer is going to fall for THAT bull.

But, some young kid, just voting for the first time, watching some movie, just might believe them.

Nobody Wins, when our movies are being used to brain wash us all to accept the world that they have planned for us all.

It’s time SOMEBODY start talking about it besides me. MOST all of the stuff we see as entertainment, is much more than that now.

Frankly, I’m starting to feel very alone in my concern. Does ANYBODY else feel concerned about it but me?

As you all know, I’m just a nobody at the bottom of the Google dustbin.

June 19, 2019 Posted by | Angry Citizens, Uncategorized | , | 3 Comments

Nobody’s Fool: Rep Jim Jordan

Nobody’s Fool

Jim Jordan was the main redeeming light in this farce of a Congressional hearing today.

I watched the whole thing, and it made me physically sick.

Rep Jordan was right. This was a complete farce put on my Hillary’s lawyer, and the democrats in Congress just to stop anyone from watching the great achievements in North Korea by our Presidents, and to smear and once again, slander relentlessly his name.

And Rep Jordan, told everyone what this was all about at the start.

He should be speaker. And if not for Jim Jordon speaking to truth, I think I would have given up all hope for this country.

More than every, Hillary should be behind bars.

Each of these despicable people should be….

Okay…I’ll leave that to Jim Jordan.

Thank GOD for Rep. Jim Gordon.

February 27, 2019 Posted by | Angry Citizens, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Nobody’s Perfect: The Treasonous James Comey


Nobody’s Perfect:

Comey’s RULES—are his alone, what a DISPICABLE shell of a man.

He believes he IS the “rule of law”, trouble is: His law is really very different from the laws on the books.

I was making Comey my subject for tonight because he can’t remember ANYTHING at all during his testimonies to Congress, but he sure can act like he is God, and write books, and talk to the press.

Comey’s RULE of Law: Is, protect the deep state, and become a billionaire while doing it. Smile smugly for the camera’s and the mere mortals who walk below your feet:

He, being God of law, exonerated a women who held the nations highest secrets and hide them in her basement server, which was hacked by China AND Russia, (Which in turn got secret agents KILLED in China), let her get by with not only destroying all the emails on that server, but smashing all others with hammers, and bleach. Then the RULE OF LAW god went on TV, admitted her crimes, but said they were really nothing. AND THEN, he lead the false attacks against a President.

Here’s a short list I found online:

Comey is the King of Lawlessness in America. Here is a short list of unprosecuted crimes that Comey ignores or outright supports.
• Hillary Clinton Benghazi gun running
• Ambassador Steven’s death
• Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious gun running
• Hillary’s private server espionage and treason
• Bush and Clinton bank bailouts
• Bombing seven sovereign nations without congressional approval
• Obama’s IBM Eclipse Foundation’s social networking patent theft
• James Clapper’s illegal NSA/CIA/FBI surveillance and his perjury before Congress
• Obama’s energy company subsidies
• Obama’s misuse of banker fines to support liberal activist groups
• Obama’s theft of Fannie May and Freddie Mac
• Obama’s IRS targeting of conservatives
• Obama and Clinton’s confiscations from the Bureau of Land Management
• Planned Parenthood eugenics and baby parts trafficking
• Gold, silver, and LIBOR rate rigging
• Ignoring “missing person” reports and supporting human trafficking
• Clinton Foundation theft of $2 billion under the guise of a Presidential Library fund
• Hillary taking money from foreign nations while Secretary of State
• Maintaining open borders and sanctuary cities
• Refugee trafficking and fraud
• Allowing overstayed visas of more than one million people
• Non-enforcement of existing immigration laws

On the other hand, he hates President Trump. Simply hates him.

I went to look for research on his crimes…and OMG…I found one website that had it all, and goes into great detail about Comey’s life.

Here are a few statements from this blog: American Intelligence Media.

There were things on this blog that I could hardly stomach:

For instance:

Comey has been the FBI director since 2013 when he replaced 12-year director Robert S. Mueller who was chief counsel for London-based bank HSBC which was exposed in 2015 for sheltering $100 billion in client funds in murky offshore tax havens populated by drug dealers, money launderers, and arms traffickers.


Even while U.S. Attorney in San Francisco, Mueller worked to cover-up the Oklahoma City bombing, Waco, and Ruby Ridge evidence by changing the rules of evidence so that the FBI and prosecution did not have to share as much evidence with defense attorneys in the cases as would have been required in the past.

Comey is one of the most vile and immoral people in DC, and yet he is the head law enforcement officer in America who needs to be behind bars with the criminals he has protected for years.

If you care about what is happening, then don’t deny yourself this information on this SNAKE of man who claims to be a patriot. His crimes are so deep and SO vast, and so long, I just listed what he DIDN’T look into. This blog tells you what HE has done.

Like I said: It will floor you. 

Please, if you do nothing else this week, give it a read.

In the end, I agree completely with their ending statement:


James Comey, You don’t even deserve a Nobody’s Perfect Award.

You deserve to be in prison the rest of your life.

George Washington would have hung you from the highest tree.

December 17, 2018 Posted by | Angry Citizens, conspiracy, corruption, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

What If They Started A War, and We Actually Showed Up?

Nobody’s Opinion

Hey, good news…this Monday’s edition will be rather short, due to the usual technical difficulties: Lost my twitter, my touch screen, both my meniscus, and soon enough, if I hear one more grunt say that President Trump needs to be impeached I might pick up throwing darts at famous faces.

Here’s my beef: On ALL the talk shows we are hearing again and again and again different ‘experts’ about how we should all abide by the “rule of law.” And so should President Trump, and he hasn’t. He is the biggest criminal ever to hold the office. 

Then they go into the various “crimes” of President Trump. All done of course, before he became President and then they end with how all those ‘crimes” should certainly validate impeachment proceedings.

They put on their most serious faces and talk in deep monotones of alarm and talk about how he used funds to “pay” a porn star off. And how the GOP got money from Saudi group and that’s against campaign rules. Then there’s the now ongoing investigation into every aspect of his financial life, including how he, OMG,  ‘RAISE THE RENT!’ on some of his tenants in New York and his kids got a lot of that money. Mueller will never end his ‘hunt’ for crimes by Trump, because it’s all about the headlines, and destroying the President and his family right up until 2020.

They figure if they can destroy a famous general like Flynn, President Trump will be easy.

He could have winked at a waitress in New York when he was 32, and that would be grounds for impeachment, that’s how insane they are.

In the meantime, not ONE WORD, by anyone on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, or anybody mentions that the “rule of law” should also be applied to Hillary and all who broke the law with her: Comey, Brennan, Obama, Holder, Mueller, the whole Clinton-mafia bunch.

Their crimes are endless, and certainly 100 times more egregious than anything that Trump has EVER done in his lifetime. That’s why they keep bringing up Nixon.

So, yeah. It’s a one-way street, and everyone is trying desperately to destroy Trump, as fast as possibly because the crimes THEY have committed are so much worse, they simply MUST protect themselves.

Sooner or later, the President must present the evidence of their crimes. At this point, what has he got to lose?

The relentless pounding, he is taking in the media will soon take its toll. They are already putting full force in making sure he does NOT get reelected, and that’s something we must all fight for.

Michelle is out there talking about how she had it so hard because of the color of her skin and complaining about how it wasn’t fair that the Obama’s had to pay for their own FOOD at the White House. Flying food in from China wasn’t cheap you know.

She actually said that.

Trump is being made out to be the biggest crook in the world. Next to the Clintons, he’s practically a saint.

Once again, the democrats always accuse their enemies of what THEY are doing.

We thought it would get bad, but it’s worse than that now.

Maybe we should start yelling about THEIR crimes.

Sooner or later we might have to bring back the ‘tea party’, brush it off, go back out into the streets , stand up, and say,’

“We’ve had enough, and we’re not taking it anymore.”

Okay, I’ll bring the dart, you bring the dartboard.

December 16, 2018 Posted by | Angry Citizens, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Dick Cheney & Leon Panetta…Deep State Best Buds?

Nobody Wonders

Did anybody else on this planet see what I saw this morning on C-Span?

The Deep State was tearing its clothes off…naked, no longer invisible…it was the MOST amazing thing I had ever seen. Not to mention, pretty ugly.

I just happened to flip by the channel while I was waking up to two of the biggest political rivals in my lifetime:

Dick Cheney and Leon Panetta. These two men have been on the opposite sites of political parties and in the Washington D.C. establishment for so long, that no doubt, their very shoe marks are embedded in the halls of the White House, and every little kid that sees the footprints think somebody messed up the marble floors. No matter who or what party was in office, these two men manage to get the most powerful behind-the-scenes jobs on the planet.

Go ahead and WIKI them.

Most would admit, they helped run the world. Recently, it was Leon who was colluding with Russia, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out, and he has always been right there to get Hillary out of any jam.
Dick served the GOP all his life and ended up as VP to President George W. Bush, after having worked with his daddy for so many years.

Leon Panetta, was Hillary’s most confidante adviser and Lawyer and BOTH men headed the Defense Department and the CIA. And they both started out as Congressmen, of different parties.

But today, on C-Span, they were best buddies, out to save the world, from President Donald J. Trump.

Their faces were grave with concern. With each statement: Hunched over Dick would endorse Leon, and hunched over Leon would fawn over and agree with Dick.

Both were worried that the “Nationalists” were going to take over the planet. Leon even went so far as to repeat the old, “It’s just like in the 1930s in Germany when Hitler came to power.”

(Right. Americans are going to start running around the streets beating up democrats. Doing a Bill Clinton and dragging the little Hispanic kids out of their homes in the middle of the night! OMG!)

Both men admitted that the immigration in Europe got a bit out of hand, but hey, no problem there. The REAL problem was that NATO might be dismantled.

Dick went so far as to say that NATO was the greatest thing ever invented and that it was AMERICA’s duty to save the world basically.

Yes, it was our duty. Ever since WWII it’s ALWAYS been our duty. (And our money. Not theirs of course.)
The deep state has some new Orwellian speech going on too: “We must preserve our values.” How many dweebs have you heard SAY That in the last few days?

Do not forget that what they mean by that, is that we keep on funding the world and making wars, and most importantly, making sure the same people stay in power. They never really SAY what those values are…you might actually think about it.

Get used to hearing that from every RINO, every liberal. Every deep state old crony that has been spending us, taxing us, controlling us, spying on us, for too many years. They do NOT want to give up the vast spider network that they’ve worked all their lives to implement.

Behind our backs. On our backs. With no regard to us….but HEY..YOU GOT WALMART!

Gee thanks.

I couldn’t believe these two guys were such good buds, and both were so desperate as to go on to C-Span to try to convince us that, “Make America Great Again” is against ALL of ‘our’ values.

Not ours of course.


Clearly, despite what you hear on the news, they are afraid of our President. After all, these men both worked many years making the Presidency so strong, the Congress was just there to do photo ops. They want control in just ONE guy. Trust me. That’s why Congress never gets anything done.

Have you noticed?

In the end they both assured us all that THEIR children have taken their old Congressional Seats in the House. Gay Liz Cheney and Jimmy Panetta.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney appeared at the Capitol on Tuesday for the swearing-in of his daughter, Liz Cheney, who was elected to the Wyoming congressional seat he once occupied.

Jimmy Panetta, a former Monterey County Deputy District Attorney, who won election to the U.S. House of Representatives for California’s 20th congressional district (born-1 October 1969).

Must be nice to be able to place your kids in your old jobs.

So, while I really didn’t want to think this, Nobody Wonders if it’s not true: There really HAS been just one party ruling the country, and they just trade places every eight years…keeping it all in the family. Global One World Government is their game.

Donald Trump was NOT supposed to come along and say: HEY…this country belongs to the American people…not YOURS to play with.

I wish I could tell you that I was not surprised about this clarion call from two Deep State, and we might even add…treasonous criminals the both of them.

But..I was. Clearly, staying OUT of the eye of the media has served their clear support to the New World Order well.

Nobody Now Wonders after seeing these two today: How really deep does the deep state go?

November 27, 2018 Posted by | American History, Angry Citizens, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Google: Laying Down YOUR Life for Globalization…and Their Bank Accounts

Nobody Cares

Breitbart released this video as “IF” someone in the audience at the Google meeting after Trump was elected, wanted to get it out.

Frankly, I believe that Google themselves wanted it out, so they leaked it themselves. Since now they are censoring conservatives, they almost have to try to convince us low breeding, horrible Nationalists, why they ARE censoring them: It’s for the good of the world you know.

Besides, this video was made too well.

Anyway, I could only watch the first 15 minutes, before I got sick of it. Same old women are going to be raped and die in the streets, gays are going to be attacked…yadayada…borooooooring. 

At first their ‘sadness’ at the horror show they thought was coming with Trump made me think:

“Just how STUPID ARE these guys? What do they do? Spend all their days in front of computers, never getting out into the real world? 

Have they even BEEN to the South of Chicago? No, they are having orgies in their million dollar mansions, where women are drugged and can be FREE to have sex! Yes, that has been reported on, although, so far, if you are a woman working for these guys you dare not turn them in. Silicon Valley is just as sexist as Harvey Weinstein.” 

Google is also celebrating that now, everyone can get stoned. And then you get to the Big boss speaking, where he explains how globalization sure, caused the misery that America is feeling, but gee…if we should all understand what they are doing…feeding the poor in INDIA! You would see the great progress!

Yes, you, dear underpaid office worker in New Jersey, should care about it too. After all, you have much more than the average African.

What a bunch of robber barons. They steal from you, make their components in sweat shops all over the world, and charge you half your paycheck to use their products, which by the way, usually have a shelf life of 2 years.

These speeches are filled with the same old Marxist rubbish. They make their living by being capitalists, but YOU…no, you are not suppose to.

And clearly, they are a danger to us all, because now, we have to get online to do most of our work…and THEY control that highway. And it all about their global market, which they need YOU to pay for.

How in the hell did this happen?

I say, we blame Al Gore.

Anyway, Nobody Cares about how ‘sensitive’ global maniacal power-hungry immature peons postulating about how wonderful globalization has been for the world, or how sad they are that Hillary lost.

The average worker is getting a hand up by President Trump, no thanks to them.

But listen to these guys: They think they are SO important. They are lifting themselves up into the realm of Messiah’s.

Zuckerberg thinks he is Caesar, Google thinks it’s Jesus.

I think we should insist that ONE of these guys, walk on water.

What’s that saying again? “Liberalism is a disease.” ….Stay….AWAY.

Google, laying down YOUR life for their global borderless visions.

Thanks for letting us know.


September 12, 2018 Posted by | American History, Angry Citizens | , | Leave a comment