Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Beto O’Rourke: The Green Deal Comes to Taco Bell

Nobody’s Opinion’

It’s pretty clear what the democrats plan to do in 2020.

Flood the borders, and take Texas and Florida. If they get the electoral votes in both those states, they figure there is no way that Trump can win the electoral college.

Nancy Pelosi has said so much. The big circus we are witnessing of all the socialist pretending to be democrats. is all about selling that propaganda message of the New World Order: The plan to make America like China: Government takeover of everything.

Even Zuckerbeface wants the government to take over the internet.

And who is raising the most money? Why it’s Jumping-Jack, dung-eating, open-borders, computer hacking-leader of the socialist group of wackos’— Beto O’Rooke. You know, the man who changed his name to Beto so that he would appeal to all the illegals coming here, with the Irish last name to appeal to the old Irish democrats.

All the big money is backing him. Bernie Sanders knows the party won’t pick him, he’s just making lots of money spreading the socialist dream. Notice how upset he got when Hillary bumped him out of the race?

Yeah, me neither.

Imagine this; Trump WINS the popular vote, but Beto wins the electoral vote because of Texas.

This man has big money behind him. Notice the big fluffy PR video above made before he even announced he was running.

And by the way, if you think that it’s just a coincidence that MILLIONS of illegal immigrants are getting on buses and hurrying to our Southern border, go outside and look up: Is that the moon at noon?

No, you’re delusional.

These caravans are being put together to force President Trump to close the border, and that will not only ruin his new trade deals with Mexico, but put a hurt on the economy. Just like the Fed did at Christmas.

The progressives are COUNTING on it.

And isn’t it a coincidence that the sheer timing of devastating floods, knocking out the Midwest produce is JUST IN TIME for this all to come together to hurt our economy and our President? Gee…HOW many levies crashed? They never give that number.

Did you know that China AND Russia can control their weather? Russia even posts about it in their daily papers.

What? You don’t think the deep state can cause mass floods and destruction?

I do. I guess I might be part Russian. Maybe they can’t control the weather but they sure as hell have the technology to make it worse.

Okay. None of us can even imagine Beto Taco Bell getting the nomination. Trump could take him on easily. But think about it: Enough illegals in Texas…enough Puerto Ricans in Florida….(thanks to Maria)…Beto becomes President.

The democrats cannot win fair and square. So, they need as many illegals into the country as they can get, in the meantime they will keep attacking the President, and hurting the economy, and promising free college, free health care, free reparations and free social security numbers.

Beto will probably throw in free tacos’.

This Nobody Will be surprised if Beto doesn’t get the nomination. At least at this point.

And….lets’ not forget OR forgive the Dirty Dozen for NOT letting Trump close the border. If Beto gets the nomination,  we can only hope the illegals choose wisely.

March 31, 2019 Posted by | conspiracy | , , , | Leave a comment

What Office is Rahm Emanuel Running for Next?

Nobody Wonders

You almost HAVE to laugh, at the complete 180 turnaround of Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel in these two videos.

First, he trashes Jussie Smollett for perpetuating such a hoax. THEN, he does an about-face and blames it all…on President Trump!

But notice the police chiefs face: he KNOWS the mayor is scum. So Rahm does the same old democratic two-step: blame the President for being a racist. Then jump in as many democratic talking points as you possibly can: the rich vs the poor, diversity, and the racist hate all perpetuated by Trump.

Obama must have called him.

Then he brings up that he’s Jewish.

What a politician. What a two-faced scumbag.

But like I said: you have to almost laugh at how desperate this man is trying to cover up for the corruption of the democratic party, where if you have connections and money, you not only can get away with crime, you will be rewarded for it.

So, what office is Rahm running for next? Nobody Wonders.



And by the way: Here’s two nobodies responding—

Sorry mayor I was behind you until you brought President Trump into it. Chicago is my hometown and there has always been rampant corruption. The problems in Chicago existed way before Trump, don’t give Smollett an excuse for what he tried to do. You should know Chicago’s history by now. I’m sick of hearing of how Trump is somehow responsible for every damn thing that’s wrong in this country when these problems have been systematic for at least the last 100 years. Chicago has had a sordid past and that can’t be denied.

Jdude 2 hours ago

Oh, great Rahm, you were really pissed off at Jussie at first and couldn’t help telling the truth. Now that you’ve slept on it and cooled off, you’re doing what Democrats do best, lie about it and blame Trump.

March 29, 2019 Posted by | corruption, democrats, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Once Upon a Time…In Merry Old Chicago

Nobody Flashes

Sorry. I was supposed to be back on Wednesday. But, I actually TOOK a vacation, and while I didn’t go anywhere, I also stayed away from the daily news.

What else does one do on vacation but home improvements that you can’t do because you can’t find the time right?

In between shop runs to Home Depot and looking for bird seed for my troop of parakeets, I would glance at the TV.

It was hard NOT to hear the typical BS.

Like most Americans, I was shocked that Jussie, famous gay actor friend of the Obama’s, got off of all accounts of trying to start a race war by insisting two white men with MEGA hats jumped on him and he ran ALL THE WAY HOME with a noose around his neck, in very cold weather, just to make sure that he got a big interview with all the liberal cable stations. The cops spent a lot of money, and they are running out of money in Chicago, because it’s a crooked lawyer’s paradise to live in Chicago where blacks can sue for millions.

Who did I think was behind this? Probably Obama. It was all staged. I happen to think the Obama’s have staged quite a lot. It’s just the way they operate. Listen to any democrat and their modus operandi is RACE, and WOMEN’s right and climate change, and the horrible American nation. Obama did the most race baiting while he was President. Michelle Maukin wrote the most succinct piece on the Jussie event here.

Funny thing is, I watched a special on TV about Charles Mansion, and that’s what HE was trying to do he said: Start a race war!

Obama and Charlie. Cell mates if only in mind.

In this election the democrats NEED the blacks to vote. That’s why this Nobody Thinks they almost have to put a black on the ticket. A black woman. Take your pick of who that will be. They will probably run her as VP. Unless of course they think Michelle could do it, but I don’t think they would run her. She’s be as toxic as Hillary.

This nobody also thinks that Mueller came out when he did because the evidence was piling up on all the felonies every one of these high treasonous people have committed. And that includes Obama and Hillary. The democrats ALWAYS go on the attack. Whatever crime they have committed, they accuse their enemy of it…and that’s how they get by with breaking so many laws.

Karl Rove and the ‘establishment’ now want President Trump to forget it all and just go on.

I didn’t see President Trump’s rally in Michigan tonight, but I bet he has every intention of going after as many as he can.

For our country’s sake: Let’s hope so.

The “establishment” will use the logic that the ‘country’ would not survive the fact that a President and a Secretary of State would be accused of such high crimes. I beg to differ. The country would survive and grow stronger if the real criminals had to pay for their crimes.

But to Karl….it’s best just to let them live their lives and keep destroying us all…right?

We all want to see Hillary in jail…but we are told that will NEVER happen. Her felonies are too numerous to even list.

But…once upon a time, in merry old England…..there was a man named Oliver Cromwell…


Okay. Even if the Obama’s did NOT stage this, they helped bail him out. Much the same way as Obama bailed out a traitorous soldier, Bowe Bergdahl, who left his troop and joined the Taliban. Men died looking for him.

Obama brought him home and hailed him as a hero.

So really, this is par for the course.

If you hate America, Obama’s got your back. And your front, your side, and all your black, gay, and Muslim friends….

It seems to be, “The NEW Chicago way.”

Al Capone would be proud.


March 28, 2019 Posted by | conspiracy, democrats, Uncategorized | | Leave a comment

Nobody Flashes Footloose

Nobody Flashes 

–I think I posted this before.

I’m posting it again, just because.

We need something upbeat today, due to the fact that even after 2 years of criminals trying to take the President out, it’s been a waste of time, and they are now still going after Trump.

But, the Mueller, and the RINO’s are all slinking into the background and STILL trying to save their own vicious and unlawful hides, by saying “Okay, Mueller did a great job and we can now forget that Obama and Hillary weaponized ALL our institutions just to hurt Trump and the citizens who voted for him.”

I’m sorry. Could it be more ‘transparent’?

So yes, Enjoy the dance. .

By the way…my husband is on vacation so I am too. I should be back before the week is out.

Everybody stay sane!

March 23, 2019 Posted by | music | | Leave a comment

Funny: The Democrats Haven’t Even Mentioned THIS.

Nobody Flashes

Funny, I haven’t heard Beto the dirt eater, or Cortez the amazing wizard of doom, even mention this.

Nobody Wonders: Is that why they are building another NEW and improved bunker under the White House?


March 22, 2019 Posted by | disasters | | Leave a comment

Nobody Remembers: John “Traitor”” McCain

Nobody Remembers

I was driving around today, listening to a local radio station, and the two radio hosts could NOT get off the subject of how stupid it was of President Trump to even bring up his dislike of John McCain. It was so disrespectful since the man was dead, they said.

I had spent the morning in the house listening to Brian Kilmeade from FOX say basically the same thing.

They criticized the Trump supporters because obviously, according to all the radio talk show “conservative” hosts, this was a waste of time, and we should be talking about something else. It damages the country…yada,yada, McCain was a hero, who did a lot for the country.

Okay. I thought. Then WHY are YOU devoting two hours to the subject?

Clearly the GOP is starting to do what the democrats have done for years: They all get the same talking points, and they are now beating this into the ground.

Frankly, I was tired of being told I was only agreeing with President Trump because as a Trump supporter they were insinuating that I was a mindless sycophantic Trump puppet.

It’s a good thing they didn’t hear me yelling at them all in my car.

THIS is what they would have heard:

  1. To call John McCain a “hero” is not exactly what many of us would call him. A ‘hero’ is a man who, when captured by the enemy in a war, dies, rather than tells the enemy secret plane flights, which gets many men killed. That’s what McCain did. And he admitted it. Sure, he was “sorry” but so what? Hundreds of men throughout all wars, have preferred to die rather than risk another soldier’s life. That’s what a captured hero does. No matter how much he is tortured, John McCain did NOT do that. The deep state put out a fluffy story about how he stayed back to save his fellow servicemen, but…

READ THIS. And then tell me if you think McCain was a “hero”.

2.  Let’s not forget how he treated all the little people here:

McCain, also known as senator hyphen around D.C., frequently partners with members of the far left. The McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill was an obvious, full-frontal attack on the First Amendment – perhaps the most blatant since the Sedition Act 200 years previous. Specifically, it outlawed the most protected of free speech, political descent. This alone should be a deal breaker. Anyone voting for the bill should have been impeached and removed from office.

  1. Fast forward to his Presidential run. He was all smiles and so warm with Obama, never attacking him, he seemed to just be there to be adored. It didn’t matter to him if he won. It was as if he was picked to lose, and having a grand time doing it. If you believe the above rendition, Soros was backing McCain to lose.
  2. And then there’s the last draw, McCain gets that stupid “Pee dozier”, picks it up overseas, makes sure it gets into the right hands, and helps the coup d’ tat against President Trump.

And all through Trump’s campaign, McCain harassed him, but PROMISED if reelected he would vote to end Obamacare.

He KNEW he was going to stab Trump in the back. Trump helped get him elected…and with one ‘screw you America’, his one vote delivered a blow to the American people that WE shall never forget.
Not only the poor, but the middle class now, can’t get health care, because  deductibles are so high, they have no insurance. Many of them, will die. But, let’s not say a word against our “hero.”

  1. To rub more salt into the womb, McCain DEMANDED a Presidential funeral. One fit for ONLY Presidents. Trump gave it to him, and had to put up with hatred not only at that funerals, but throughout Daddy’s Bush’s funeral.

No other President in history has had to put up with this crap.

  1. And last, but not least, McCain’s brain tumor, made him even more vicious of America during his last days. He not only hated and worked against the tea party with Lois Lerner, he did everything he could to destroy us all. I know all about brain tumors. Damage to the brain can make a person with the proclivity to be mean, even meaner. And McCain was pretty sick those last days of his attacks.

Now we have to see them continued on by his daughter on The View.

I wanted to call up these radio idiots. Because the reality is: Trump hates John McCain because John McCain has hurt America.

He was a selfish, spoiled, rich elite brat.

Mean. Vindictive. Tell me, what the heck has he ever done for us?

In the end, he was a madman, who has destroyed many lives now. People now live in pain because John McCain made sure they couldn’t afford health care.

And I think anybody who devotes HOURS of our days to trashing President Trump because “the poor man is dead” should thank their lucky stars, that they don’t LET people like me on the radio.

They wouldn’t have a chance in hell.

No American patriot worth their salt is going to forget the treason…of John McCain.

And President Trump is just saying what we ALL feel.

God bless him for it.

March 21, 2019 Posted by | John McCain, Uncategorized | | 1 Comment

The REAL News: The Deck is Stacked Against the Patroit.

Nobody Wins

When I saw the headline in my local community paper: Bringing Healthcare into Schools I thought to myself: Oh-oh. There go our property taxes. Despite the fact that Trump was elected President, the democrats that run St. Louis, and St. Louis County have actually gone full speed ahead with raising our taxes and putting in full force ‘taking’ care of the newly arrived Muslims, and illegals.

So, when my answered my front door today, I was NOT surprised to meet a man who gave me an envelope and told me ALL the property rates were going up 25%.

“I knew this was coming, after I read that WE will be supplying free health care to all the schools. How else would they pay for it? We supply them breakfast, lunch AND dinner, and now we must pay for their health care.” I told him.

And here’s the truth of it. Years ago, St. Louis county was mostly white. The city decided to move the black population of the city out to the country and make the white people in the county PAY for that move, and their property taxes went up, BUT their property values went down. Mostly because the black population, brought crime and drugs.

St. Louis has the HIGHEST crime rate in the United States, according to some reports. . And most of those crimes are committed near Ferguson, Missouri.  Being a white person, I am in the minority now. Just last night, nine people were shot not more than 15 miles from my house.

In just one night.

Years ago, those whites who could afford to get out, did. But many whites, like myself, didn’t make enough money to move, and mostly because, despite what you read, many whites are NOT racists.

I was one of them.

But Obama took care of all that. He pushed the “Hate whitey card” every single day.

I continued to complain to the guy. He  told me the value of my house went UP and therefore the value went up by over $50,000.


Right. I said. After Ferguson. Sure. The property values ALWAYS go down, and yet, every year my property taxes go up.”

Add to that, the fact that the people passed a huge tax to be given to the police, and GUESS WHAT?

Surprise, surprise, none of it went to the police. The democratic politicians gave it to other ‘projects’ and now they need more money.

There has also been a BIG push to consolidate all the local counties into ONE BIG St. Louis city, and that’s because the city itself is completely broke.

If I could move out of this hellhole I would.

But, I can’t. I’m retired, the house is paid for, so there you go.

The property taxes alone will force me to someday sell my house. The house we continue to upgrade. And all new “codes” must be met, and all new “codes” are making our politicians rich.

When I leave, a new Muslim or immigrant will get a fabulous house, one that we invested all our money into improvements, at a fraction of the cost, and will NOT have to pay the full property taxes.

No, they will only have to pay 30%. This is happening now all over St. Louis County. These ‘minorities’ live in $350,000 homes and only must pay 30 percent of the mortgage. The taxpayers pick up the rest.

And most of those taxpayers are white retirees who live in near poverty.

They don’t tell you this on the news.

It’s not right. It’s not fair. And Nobody Wins with socialism.

President Trump says the United States will never become a socialist country.

In democratic cities all over the U.S., we already are.

The good news is that the man who delivered the news to me was a BIG Trump supporter, and he told me that in his neighborhood, they told him he could not put up a Trump for President sign. But HILLARY?
That was okay. We had a great talk, about how great Trump was, and how our kids were being brainwashed.

So…good news. At least the bad news came from a patriot.

They always talk about how the “deck is stacked.”

What they don’t tell you is the truth: It’s stacked against the America patriot.

March 20, 2019 Posted by | American History, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

JQA Tells the Truth About Islam

Nobody Knows

John Quincy Adams: The OTHER historically high IQ President…(Besides Trump) explains Islam perfectly.

The Ministry of Propaganda wants to suppress the truth about Islam.

John Quincy Adams knew the truth 200 years ago.

“In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the preternatural energy of a fanatic, and the fraudulent spirit of an impostor, proclaimed himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. Adopting from the sublime conception of the Mosaic law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God; he connected indissolubly with it, the audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle. Adopting from the new Revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution, he humbled it to the dust, by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. THE ESSENCE OF HIS DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST: TO EXALT THE BRUTAL OVER THE SPIRITUAL PART OF HUMAN NATURE.

Between these two religions, thus contrasted in their characters, a war of twelve hundred years has already raged. That war is yet flagrant; nor can it cease but by the extinction of that imposture, which has been permitted by Providence to prolong the degeneracy of man. While the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the false prophet shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon earth, and good will towards men. The hand of Ishmael will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. It is, indeed, amongst the mysterious dealings of God, that this delusion should have been suffered for so many ages, and during so many generations of human kind, to prevail over the doctrines of the meek and peaceful and benevolent Jesus” (Blunt, 1830, 29:269, capitals in orig.).P

(Thanks to ‘g’ man)

March 19, 2019 Posted by | Islam, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Supreme Court Justice Judge Jeanie? Sounds Good to Me


Nobody’s Perfect

The transformation has been slow…FOX News built it’s reputation on being the conservative answer to the many left-wing stations it is in competition against: CNN, MSNBC, C-SPAN, NBC, CBS, and the 5 major conglomerates that run our news.

So, therefore FOX has always won the most viewership. While it claims to have diversity, which is true, there is always some annoying democrat saying stupid things like Waun Williams,, but they stacked the deck against him with Bill O’Reilly, Shawn Hannity, Eric Boiling and Glenn Beck.

And therefor, FOX ratings were the tops.

Eric Broiling was on a major conservative star roll, until his son overdosed. THE FIVE is now more of an entertainment program for laughs and giggles.

Beck, got kicked off thanks to a well-organized plat by Hillary’s and Soros’ Media Matters. Bill was kicked off by some kind of sex scandal, and Hannity barely hung on. Tucker has replaced him somewhat due to the hour, but his whole family is being attacked daily by the left.

Shepard Smith, once just a lovable and pleasant order of the news, has now become the most vicious never-Trumper on FOX. They put him on right after school of course.

Chris Wallace, is the same. Every question is LOADED with attacks and innuendo’s of just how bad President Trump is.

Nevertheless, Judge Jeanie has been a light of sanity on Sunday,. They also added Mark Levine, who while never a big fan of Trump during the campaign, has come around, mostly due to the obvious destruction of liberty.

So, last week, FOX is getting rid of Judge Jeanie’s program. Evidently she pissed some Muslim off by saying something very factual about how a House Muslims was attacking Jews.

FOX took her off the air.

That’s because MUSLIMS…(Shhhhh, don’t tell anybody) own almost half of the stock of Fox.

Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal is the largest shareholder in NewsCorp, the parent company of Fox News.

This morning it was reported that Donna Brazile was hired by FOX, the woman who gave Hillary questions during the Presidential debates.

What does that say about FOX? They want to bring back the old One-party two-step politics. Jeb even mentioned it yesterday in that video that I posted.

They want the good old days back, where ‘centrist democrats” and “centrist republicans” worked together to make the public feel like their government works again.

You know, like how the Bushes and the Clintons are such good buds?

Good luck with that.

So, congratulations FOX! You win the Nobody’s Perfect prize for the week, for not knowing that with every move you make, we’ll not be watching you!

We now have OAN. And if you get rid of the Judge, I suggest Trump replace old Ginsberg with her.

After all…she IS a woman. A conservative woman on the Supreme Court?

Nobody would be better.

March 18, 2019 Posted by | conservatives, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Jeb Bush Says Trump is not doing his “Kingly Duties.”


Nobody’s Opinion:

Frankly, I’m tired of all the family members of x-Presidential dynasties who had their turn in power, trashing our President.

Notice the word “Kingly” in Jeb’s criticism of President Trump. He isn’t acting ‘kingly’ enough.

Isn’t that EXACTLY what the dirty dozen are complaining about? Trump is acting like a king by declaring a National Emergency on the border?

No, in fact, Trump did what almost all other President did NOT do: he tried to get Congress to go along with fixing the problem. MOST Presidents, never even bothered consulting Congress. They just declared the emergency and spent the money.

For instance, remember when President George W. Bush declared an emergency and sent $16 billion dollars to Africa to fight aids? Did the congress complain about that?

The centerpiece of Mr Bush’s aid to Africa is the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (Pepfar), a five-year, $15bn Aids prevention and treatment programmed launched in 2003. His most recent budget proposes doubling the funding to $30bn over the next five years.

Bono head was overjoyed!

President Trump has tried to cut back some of that money and use it HERE for Americans. For us.

We have an opioid crisis that has killed 70,000 in our own country. But, Congress won’t let him.

We have an invasion on our borders bringing in all kinds of diseases.  But 8 billion to protect our own country, is too much.

The message? YOUR son or daughter is not as important as the people in Africa or South America.

But your MONEY is REALLY important.

Jeb’s father helped bring into the world the exact thing that is destroying it: globalization, and they can’t stand that Trump wants to spend the money on American citizens. That wasn’t the Bush doctrine. Nor Al Gore’s. Nor John Kerry’s. Nor John McCain’s. Nor Hillary’s. To all our politicians it’s always been commerce first, and America be damned. America paying the load for the rest of the world was the plan: That’s not isolation, that’s just plain stupid.

Trouble is, none of it is done with THEIR money.

All the Presidents before Trump have acted like Kings: Kings of the world. Kings in their own mind. President Trump has not missed one disaster. How dare he say that.

Can you even imagine President Trump on 9/11? He would have gone STRAIGHT to the White House, not fly around in the air for hours. He would have gone straight to ground zero in New York, not months later.

Jeb is such a typical Bush.

Charlie Kirk summed it up nicely yesterday on Breitbart:

Our political system has evolved to the point where in most precincts today during most elections, the two party’s have produced a choice for voters that allows them to pick between two non-responsive candidates. Preservation of the status quo along with the trappings of power, privilege, profit, and prestige have become governing objectives for most politicians.

That means that when we have a President like Donald Trump willing to stand up and fight for us, he is forced to fight against them.

No, clearly the x Presidents have promised other nations billions of dollars that it was never meant for them to promise.

That’s what Kings do.

And President Trump is no King.

He is the first REAL President we’ve had since Reagan.

And he is…NOT alone. WE ARE STILL HERE.



March 17, 2019 Posted by | Bush Dynasty, Uncategorized | | Leave a comment

Oh…In the Evening…



Nobody Flashes

Last night, I was trying to come up with something to write about this Sunday.

So, I got in my old hot tub, where I like to think, which is located right outside the back door. I am so tired of everybody attacking Trump and America for everything.

And yes, I’m TIRED of writing about gloomy stuff.

My hut tub sits underneath a big gum tree, whose branches hover over it. Not far away, is it’s ‘child’ which has almost grown as big as it mother. It sits four, you can lay down in it, and the feet jets are probably my favorite part. Many of the newer models don’t have those powerful jets for your feet.

It’s broken down a lot over the years, but somehow we manage to duck tape it back together.

I love my old hot tub.

Everybody has a place to ‘mediate’, relax, and this old hot tub is mine. I can just stop thinking when I get into it.

The jets are very strong, and the water rolls over your body, you can look in the waves like Nostradamus and be mesmerized. It messages whatever part is killing you at the moment, which at my current age, happens to be a sore knee.

I started thinking about all my worries last night: Will we have enough money to retire on and still help my son with his money worries? Will the country make it through the vast hatred of the left, and the enemies of the Bush family, with ALL the past presidents making horrible remarks…what kind of future will the children of America have? If I die, who will take care of my birds? Will I ever find the time to do everything I want to do around the house?

You know, the usual worries.

And then, I looked up. There are no leaves on my ‘mother’ tree right now. (I call her mom) So the stars hung on her limbs like a Christmas tree twinkling. The moon was bright, and not quite full yet, in fact it looked kind of goofy.

My back yard lite up with small solar lamps, of all shapes and colors, because the sun was out today.

Here I was worrying, and yet…I realized as I laid back and took in all the beauty of the stars, through the trees, how lucky I was to even be alive, to be able to SEE the sky, to SEE the stars, and to even feel the loneliness of the unknown and the scare of a future no one can control.

I’ve always thought, there really is no church to match the beauty of nature. I can look at a branch of a tree and see God. Love God. Wonder about God.

And to feel the life, the spirit of just knowing there is another day tomorrow, and God willing, another night in spring, where I can sit in my little hot tub gaze, at the moon, and realize, the rest of the world is looking at it too.

I felt, very rich.

I read Michael Jackson adopted daughter tried to commit suicide. Rich, beyond belief, and yet, so alone.

What’s that Beatle song? “Aw…look at all the lonely people.” Eleanor Rigby.

And then I thought of this song. If you’ve never heard it, put on some earphones and really LISTEN to the words.

They’re beautiful.

I loved it when it first came out. And I love it still.

These words, tonight, are just perfect.

For what is worth more in life? Than the ones you love.

And an old familiar tree, and an old familier moon, to know.

And there’s always hope, that good will triumph over evil.


Now, if we can only get everyone to look at the same moon, at the same time….

(Okay, stop while I’m ahead.)

March 16, 2019 Posted by | Life, Uncategorized | | Leave a comment

AG Bill Barr: Finally! A Man of Intellect!

Nobody Flashes

One of the great moments in President Trump’s presidency so far:

Finally: Great Americans: Sheriffs, Border Control Agents, Angel moms and dad, all giving the most glorious thanks to a President who never lets the American people down.

The most glorious moment being this well-spoken and heart-felt speech by our new AG: Bill Barr.

I couldn’t help but wonder how the Bush family must have been reeling with anger.

And the dirty dozen? Just got thumped.

Jeff Sessions wouldn’t have said a word.

As usual, after weeks of depressing attacks on the American people and their President (Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith being especially annoying) we saw our President–

Stand tall, with America.

If you missed it, enjoy. In fact, I’m going to enjoy it again!

And many thanks to The Gateway Pundit, who was the only conservative site that posted this because I sure couldn’t find it anywhere on YouTube.


March 15, 2019 Posted by | imigration, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

The treasonous “Dirty Dozen”: Remember this Day

Nobody Remembers

THIS day, more than these Congressmen and women will admit, was another victory for our President. By voting against him and not  giving him the funds to protect our borders, they have shown their cards.

No longer will this Nobody believe anything they say they stand for.

• Lamar Alexander of Tennessee
• Roy Blunt of Missouri
• Susan Collins of Maine
• Mike Lee of Utah
• Jerry Moran of Kansas
• Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
• Rand Paul of Kentucky
• Rob Portman of Ohio
• Mitt Romney of Utah
• Marco Rubio of Florida
• Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania
• Roger Wicker of Mississippi

They ALL claim they are upholding the Constitution. But, Obamacare was NOT Constitutional, and when the democrats were in power, the GOP did nothing to stop it.  Supreme Court Justice Roberts, (whom we can add to this list) put it into law, destroying many jobs, and millions of people’s right to health care.

So claiming the “purity of stopping the democrats is just plain BS. They are doing it for themselves and their own families and posterity. NOT for America.

THEY are the elite.

The middle class once again was forced to give up THEIR health care to give it to illegals. And companies no longer had to provide health care, but just hire part-timers.

They socialized our health care because the big company donors wanted it.

If the democrats get back in power, nothing they do will be constitutional. They are ALREADY changing the constitution by letting illegals vote, flooding our borders, and changing the electoral system.

These men are traitors to the United States of America. Pure, and simple.

Once again, we now see, just WHO are the enemies of America, and we can now know, that they are the ‘deep state’ open borders, one world government cronies, who have been assured by the deep state Kings behind the curtain, that THEY will be rewarded and the people will lose.

Remember this day.

Remember these men and women.

This nobody will never forget.

They think they stopped President Trump, but once again, it was revealed who the REAL traitors are.

Okay. Yeah. I’m mad.

March 14, 2019 Posted by | Agenda 21 | , , , | Leave a comment

“It’s a Small Club, and You are I Aren’t In it.”

Nobody Reports

Until now. Most of us didn’t know of just how gamed the system was for the rich. Every day when I listen to Rush Limbaugh he and many others like Mark Levine still tote the line that ANYONE can make it in America, if they work hard enough.

And sometimes, that’s true:  But more than likely, after the last few decades of social engineering, that’s not so often the case. In the 195O’s, dad usually had a good job, mom either worked or stayed home and raised the kids, and the government wasn’t into every body’s life. You could make it.

That has diminished.

Now we know it doesn’t matter HOW hard you work, the top universities are there to promote the rich elites, and keep their families always in power. And I personally dated enough rich boys to know how draconian the parents are when their son wants to marry ‘beneath’ him.

If he wants their money, he must marry whom they approve of, or arrange. You better believe it’s done.

The plutocracy is well established and this probably goes pretty deep. Harvard is a cesspool of skull and bones muss. Frankly, with all the Congressmen and women and Supreme Court judges from a handful of elite schools, how was this NOT obvious?

After the recent revelation of rich people being able to get their kids into elite colleges with bribes, we ALL naturally wondered, how many politician’s kids get the same treatment as Chelsea?

You can bet THAT won’t be exposed.

I always wondered how Monika Lewinsky, not exactly a great mind, went on to study at Oxford?

And how about Obama? Sure, he can talk a great talk, but how did he get into Harvard Law? Who paid for that? Remember, all his records were sealed.

Let’s go further: George W. Bush. I don’t think he was exactly a serious student back in his college days.

Or how about that poor hick of a boy with a poor Arkansas single mom, Bill Clinton, who got to go to lunch with Rockefeller at the age of 17, then manage to go all the way to the Presidency, all the while marrying a ‘partner’ to help him along the way?

Not only do the rich get their kids get into  the “club” but they make SURE that their kids marry only into a family that can help them succeed.

Like the fact that Chelsea Clinton married George Soros’ nephew.

All the Bush kids got great jobs on television. And their advisors all have jobs on all the main networks.

Do you ever get tired of Dana Perino and Karl Rove? George Stephanopoulos? Chris Mathews? All worked for former Presidents. You might be a political genius but you won’t get THAT job.

Not to mention, someday look up who’s married to who in the media. It’s astounding the connections.

A  famous comedian once said:

“It’s a small club, and you and I are not in it.”

Rush did say something right today though: He did say that this unelected deep state sure will fight for it’s life and THAT’s why they have to get rid of President Trump, and destroy whoever is associated with him.

To show everyone that you DARE not try to do this again.

I don’t know if the President was behind this revelation, but it was brilliant.

Now, let’s insist…we want to know, what politician has paid to get his kids into Harvard.

They want to attack the President’s kids?

Nobody Wonders….Was this President Trump’s shot across the bow?

Timing is everything. 

March 13, 2019 Posted by | The rich, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment